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Laundry Room Before and After...

[ Edited ]

Certainly a much more attractive space and probably more functional for its purpose. I'd miss the door, although there's probably another entrance nearby. Of course, the after shot has been styled and all the laundry products put away. Pretty color on the cabinets and the trim.







In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: Laundry Room Before and After...

I would love doing laundry in there!  Beautiful 😍!

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Re: Laundry Room Before and After...

The after is much better.  Not having the door makes it more functional and having the sink which I do not see in the before pix is an improvement.

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Re: Laundry Room Before and After...

Gorgeous, soothing blue color,  still getting light from a pretty window,  increased storage so you can put the unsightly detergents and tons of other stuff away--  it's ideal!

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Re: Laundry Room Before and After...

If you would see my "laundry room"  you'd be chipping in to at least get me to the BEFORE here!!!!!  


And I'd be HAPPY to have it!


The after is too pretyy to do laundry in. I don't have a problem with the before quite honesty.  I would like to see how much more room there may be there. At first I thought an odd place for that exterior door to be right there. But it very well may be a good idea to enter the house here, drop your dirty clothes right there in a basket. 


That would work, right?????



BTW - we live in a house over 100 years old. Yes we have a basement, a big one too (coal room included!), totally concrete unfinished basement. This is my laundry room!!!!!!!!!  Good thing too, we can hang our laundry to dry on the clothes lines. 

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Re: Laundry Room Before and After...

I love it, especially the beautiful blue!


As the door wasn't full length putting the window in doesn't appear to have lessened the light.


Forget doing laundry in there, I would just pull in a chair and make it my reading nook!


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Re: Laundry Room Before and After...



Wow what a beautiful improvement.   

As @Oznell said, the blue is a "gorgeous, soothing blue color."

I'd miss the door, but the window and abundant storage are a beautiful trade-off.

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Re: Laundry Room Before and After...

i need this in my life!

functional, tons of storage space, lovely new sink, and simply beautiful!

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Re: Laundry Room Before and After...

I never really ever liked blue walls, but that shade looks so pretty!

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Re: Laundry Room Before and After...

I like all the storage space in the improved laundry room.  It is a functional area.  My laundry room is my basement!  I have room to move around  which is a perk .