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Re: Kohls again ... The bargains are unbelievable!!!

On 3/23/2015 ID2 said:

What have I been doing wrong? Why is it everything I buy from them is junk? The clothes fall apart after a few washings. Their towels shed and ravel after a few washings. OP, you better watch out with that quilt you just bought after washing it a few times! They have deals, yes, but their quality is strictly garbage! Again I went there Saturday only because I had a coupon and they had another one of their "sales". OMG their shoe dept!! It was disgusting! Everything out of order, shoes laying all over the floor. Yuck. Ok I went to try some clothes on. OMG their dressing rooms! Disgusting! Clothes piled up in every dressing room, clothes on the floor, etc. Sorry but I'm certainly not going to spend my hard earned money at a store that so little respect for their customers. I didn't walk but RAN out of that store!! Knock yourselves out girls.

My towels from them are about 8 years old and do not look old or any wear and tear. I live alone and I rotate the stacks so that some do not get faded more than others. I have never bought clothes there but home goods has always been a winner for me. Wish I could say the same about my bathmats from JC Penney's.

"Live frugally, but love extravagantly."
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Re: Kohls again ... The bargains are unbelievable!!!

Annabellethecat: good luck with trying to get 30% off -- I opened the charge for one reason I was tired of watching the person in front me get better discounts. Here in FL every Wednesday is sr day 15% off and in our paper there is always some coupon (20%) or $10 off no minimum purchase. I buy what I want pay by card and immediately make the payment (with debit card) before I leave the store -- in fact, I do this with every store charge I have!!! I pay no interest if that's your concern.
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Re: Kohls again ... The bargains are unbelievable!!!

I shop at Kohl's but haven't been there in the past year..between my DH ( he has late stages of Parkinson's) and the highway construction have prevented me from doing much shopping in stores....but I LOVE Kohls...
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Re: Kohls again ... The bargains are unbelievable!!!

On 3/25/2015 Angry Bird said: I shop at Kohl's but haven't been there in the past year..between my DH ( he has late stages of Parkinson's) and the highway construction have prevented me from doing much shopping in stores....but I LOVE Kohls...

Bird I have 3 Kohl's and I shop them online more than in store.

I'm sorry about your husband...hang in there...I've been where you are.

I love your siggy..I still miss Kidd so much..I listened everyday.

It's God's job to judge the terrorists. It's our mission to arrange the meeting. U.S. Marines
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Re: Kohls again ... The bargains are unbelievable!!!

I like Kohl's! They are out of the way from where I live (guess I should shop online).

While the home goods, kitchen, and shoe departments are neat and orderly, however, OMG the clothing department is a mess....but it's the fault of the CUSTOMERS because they are just SLOBS.....the poor sales associate in charge of the dressing room area was trying to fold clothes or hang them back up and answer customer questions, help another customer look for something in a different size .....she was overwhelmed!!! And it seems like it's that way even when they aren't having a sale....

I have gotten some good deals even when I paid cash and didn't have a coupon. And I found Kohl's clothes ---no piling, fading, stretching out or shrinking... compared to QVC's which have gone way down in quality in recent years.....And they have a nice kitchen/home goods department. And yes Gold Toe Socks!!!! They are great {#emotions_dlg.biggrin}.

Animals are reliable, full of love, true in their affections, grateful. Difficult standards for people to live up to.”
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Re: Kohls again ... The bargains are unbelievable!!!

On 3/23/2015 ID2 said:

What have I been doing wrong? Why is it everything I buy from them is junk? The clothes fall apart after a few washings. Their towels shed and ravel after a few washings. OP, you better watch out with that quilt you just bought after washing it a few times! They have deals, yes, but their quality is strictly garbage! Again I went there Saturday only because I had a coupon and they had another one of their "sales". OMG their shoe dept!! It was disgusting! Everything out of order, shoes laying all over the floor. Yuck. Ok I went to try some clothes on. OMG their dressing rooms! Disgusting! Clothes piled up in every dressing room, clothes on the floor, etc. Sorry but I'm certainly not going to spend my hard earned money at a store that so little respect for their customers. I didn't walk but RAN out of that store!! Knock yourselves out girls.


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Re: Kohls again ... The bargains are unbelievable!!!

I have not been in Kohl's in a long long time. What I bought did not pass the test of time. I might give them a second look this weekend. Thanks for posting.

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Re: Kohls again ... The bargains are unbelievable!!!

Not all Kohl's are created equal. Not at all. It's sad when you walk in with a 30% coupon and Kohl's cash and can't find anything to buy. How many overpriced boxes of K- cups (even with coupon) have I purchased just to use the Kohl's cash? The store closest to me seems to carry half the stock of similar sized store so much farther away. Do they ever clean out the garbage or oil the wheels on their tattered carts? Sad to see so many brands they once carried no longer available and replaced with "kohl's" brands. Some seasons you can't find ONE dress in their store to save your life. Other times they're overflowing on the clearance rack. For the past ten years I've yet to walk in the store and find anything my 85 year old mother would wear. I know her likes and dislikes with fabrics, pockets, collars, etc...and they no longer carry what she would wear. More and more the few times I buy anything it's been online, just to find color or size, especially in shoe department...which IS a nightmare. Aisles too narrow to pass one cart through the gauntlet of merchandise on floor, yet alone two. And the quality of most shoes? Yikes! Thank goodness they still carry New Balance. They use to be top notch with customer service, bending over backwards to please customers. Not so much now. The one thing I find unique to them is with their credit card and interest rate. What other brick mortar store allows you to avoid interest if you pay only a third of the balance?
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Re: Kohls again ... The bargains are unbelievable!!!

I have never been in a Kohls before. I wasn't really interested in doing so until someone mentioned that they carry a certain line of cosmetics I like. Can you use the coupons for makeup? TIA!