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Re: Is it rude to ask visitors to take off shoes at the door if circumstances warrant it?

If your condo association won't fix the issues, I would ask people to take off their shoes. Why should you also have to deal with people tracking grease and broken glass or whatever else into your home?

QVC Shopper - 1993

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Re: Is it rude to ask visitors to take off shoes at the door if circumstances warrant it?

I grew up in a house where we always wore shoes.. infact barefoot was not allowed thus, I have always allowed shoes on in my home.

I vacuum everyday. I am not obsessed with taking off shoes at the door, ---no shoes allowed policies. I would respect someone else if I was visiting and that was their policy, but my home is just come on in, shoes and all.

When we do yard work, we have yard work shoes that we do not wear in the house. But other than that, it is an open door policy to just wear your street shoes inside.

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Re: Is it rude to ask visitors to take off shoes at the door if circumstances warrant it?

We never walk with shoes in our house and friends and neighbors also remove their shoes. Even the repairman and his helpers put shopping bags over their shoes. This was his idea, indicating it was not unusual for his clients. Sometimes our upstairs neighbor comes in her holiday shoes. Who would say anything? And an occasional repairman will not be asked. But the little kids playing on our carpet don't need extra exposure to the dirt and disease outside.
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Re: Is it rude to ask visitors to take off shoes at the door if circumstances warrant it?

I just don't understand this. It's your home, your rules, you say what is what. Why give up that ownership. Is it for everyone to be treated fairly? Well then is it fair to let someone in to mess up your carpets or flooring if you don't want them too. Let them take responsibility and ownership and remove their shoes (common sense) and not ruin your floors.

Too much of this is going on.

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Re: Is it rude to ask visitors to take off shoes at the door if circumstances warrant it?

I have foot problems and walking barefoot is painful for me. I think you need to take your guests into consideration and know that removing their shoes might make some people very uncomfortable.
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Re: Is it rude to ask visitors to take off shoes at the door if circumstances warrant it?

Your home...your right to ask. But don't be surprised if your guests are uncomfortable. I personAlly would not want to walk around in bare feet,sock feet,or slippers YOU provide.So I might not come back to visit. Plus,what about other areas of my clothes that may have touched public areas on the way over? Movie seats,tables,store counters,etc? Germs are everywhere. Some might have a hole in a sock or didn't get a pedicure or have dry feet or a nail fungus....they might not want to go bare.I will always have pedicure urged feet but that doesn't mean I want to look at others feet. I just think it's rude.
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Re: Is it rude to ask visitors to take off shoes at the door if circumstances warrant it?

Alternatively, have them bring a different pair of shoes to wear or slippers or socks -- whatever they prefer. I think springing it on them at the door is poor manners, but if they can come prepared, then it should be a non issue.
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Re: Is it rude to ask visitors to take off shoes at the door if circumstances warrant it?

I have foot problems so if I am going to a house where they don't wear shoes in the house I would have to go home. I cannot walk without my shoes. I would not feel welcome in a house like that. Besides, I don't want my bare feet on someone's dirty floors.

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Re: Is it rude to ask visitors to take off shoes at the door if circumstances warrant it?

We don't wear shoes in our house at all either...and most guests automatically take them off..usually it is mother, sister etc..they know after 33 years we don't do shoes.

My BIL won't ...he gets "cold" he said lol...odd that he lives with a weird roommate that keeps it at 55 in the house..but my living room of 72 is cold. I let it go...he is family.

I have laminate flooring so really it is a non issue other then I have grandkids that play on the floor and it skeeves me out....BUT he came over on Thanskgiving this year with 1 foot of snow..shoveled..had boots on and wouldn't take them off. When he came in ..I asked if he could kick them off til they dried off..he stood chatting with me and l didn't pay attention. Later on he said "thanks for letting me keep my shoes on.." I look down to a wet sloppy mess across my living room..and the rug in front of the couch was muddy wet sloppy mes..Um I said "no..I didn't let you do anything lol..You disregarded my wishes.." At that point he didn't say anything else and left his shoes on and watched me clean up the mess.

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Re: Is it rude to ask visitors to take off shoes at the door if circumstances warrant it?

On 12/26/2014 circles said:

I would be embarrassed to take my shoes off in someone's home....I don't have the best looking feet...bunions...ugly toe nails that have to be maintained by a podiatrist...(of which I can only go to every 10 weeks) my nails might be long and really ugly...I know

That being said ....if I am told I will have to take off my shoes ahead of time....I would bring some slippers to put....and I don't mind that....but I would not want to be told at the door that was the rule....

I rarely wear you can see my issue...

BTW....I have NEVER been asked to take off my shoes EVER no matter where I have visited..i have been around for 72 years...and have always lived in states with variable weather...Mich...N.J. and Pa....

They are asking your shoes to be off..not your socks lol!