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Re: How much yellow is just right?

Pale yellow is fine, but not those vibrant shades.

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Re: How much yellow is just right?

We had a yellow guest room I loved, but wouldn't want to live with it unless I had a really big house and had it (pale) in the hallway with touches throughout the house. 

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Re: How much yellow is just right?

[ Edited ]

I think beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all these rooms are attractive.  If this is something you like, why not.  I don't think you can have too much of any color you enjoy.  Life is meant to be enjoyed and if yellow is your color and it makes you happy, why not!  


I think the residents of the Scandanavian countries enjoy the soft yellow colors because of the lack of sunshine and cold days, and the yellow is uplifting and cheerful.  It's a happy color.

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Re: How much yellow is just right?

I like the room in the first picture; I don't care for the rooms in the second and third pictures.

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Re: How much yellow is just right?

I like the pale yellow in the first picture and also in the kitchen in the second picture.  It's a big NO for the bright yellow in the last picture (I would get sick of looking at that color -- too intense).  Cat Happy

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Re: How much yellow is just right?

[ Edited ]

I'd write in yellow but we can't see it @GingerPeach.


I love yellow, my master bedroom is a lovely yellow, a bit more than butter, a great color. The sun rises right into our room and it just glows!  It's very easy to decorate I find too. I have tons of quilts that just make this room beautiful!  Love it!


I love the first two here - actually all of them. I would love the third one in a warm climate though.

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Re: How much yellow is just right?

I'm not a yellow or orange person.  Colors on that line, I'd say.  I do like the sun shining in, but not in rooms with walls. Not for me, thank you.

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Re: How much yellow is just right?

I'm not a fan of yellow, orange or red.  


The first picture isn't bad...

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Re: How much yellow is just right?


I put some space between the pics in the hope that those who saw just three might now see four.  (No pressure to go back, of course!)

@NickNack @Mj12 @Regal Bee


I'm very happy to read that so many of you actually like yellow, when done to your taste, and especially in the kitchen (maybe not for cabinets!).  Whenever I hear comments by potential buyers on HGTV shows, they're always saying stuff like, "That's SO yellow."  Maybe it is, but it depends, as you've all proven!  


@GingerPeach  I still only see three....but I enjoyed them! :-)  That was so sweet of you to try and show the fourth. Thanks!


Yellow is considered a 'power' color just like red or black....that is probably why so many refer to it as "so yellow."

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Re: How much yellow is just right?

I like yellow in room decor but it has to be on the lighter shade and in small amounts since yellow is such a strong color.  I like the shade of yellow on the kitchen cupboards but would never paint my cupboards yellow.  That color might be nice on kitchen walls.  I'm not sure.

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