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Re: Horrible surprise when I removed the softener cup in my washer...

I quit using fabric softener years ago and also quit the fabric softener sheets. I was getting these odd stains on my clothes. Stain still crops up at times especially on white tees. I've tried everything and it still happens.

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Re: Horrible surprise when I removed the softener cup in my washer...

I stopped using fabric softener when I found it clogged up my washer so badly it stopped working. Since then I have found this works well--put 3 cups of white vinegar in a large bowl. Microwave 30 seconds. Stir in 1/2 cup baking soda. It really foams up so use a big bowl! Add a few drops of essential oil (lavender is my favorite) Put in a container and use in the regular softener dispenser but do not dilute it. The salt that is made by the two ingredients foaming up create a ""salt"" which softens. I use this in an HE washer with no problem.
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Re: Horrible surprise when I removed the softener cup in my washer...

I agree with what others have said about fabric softener. Another thing to consider is, are you using too much laundry soap? Many people are. If you use too much, it can build up in the washer, won't be able to all rinse out of your clothes, can cause skin problems. The amount you need is not the little line on the container cap. It depends on how soft the water is in your area. Check the rinse water. If you've got a full head of suds in the rinse water, you're using too much. Too much can also dull your laundry. Throw a load of towels in without soap. After the machine has agitated a few minutes, take a look to see how much soap was left in your towels.

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Re: Horrible surprise when I removed the softener cup in my washer...

I do medium sized loads, I'm going to try the vinegar in the fabric softener dispense, hold about 1/2 cup maybe?
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Re: Horrible surprise when I removed the softener cup in my washer...

Oh one thing about fabric softener sheets. If you have a long dryer vent, make sure you routinely hire someone experienced to clean that vent, every other year at our condo. The sheets can also make the stuff in the vent stick even more. Fire hazards need to be addressed before they happen. Just a week before the association cleaned the vents, a condo across the street had a dryer vent fire.
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Re: Horrible surprise when I removed the softener cup in my washer...

I'm another one who hasn't used fabric softener in years and haven't missed it one bit.