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Home and House TV shows pet peeve

You know those shows that tour three houses and then the buyer picks one?  The houses are neat as a pin, staged nicely, and then they show the bedroom. What a collection of lumpy comforters and frayed bedspreads.  Sometimes there is just a sheet thrown over something square that obviously isn't a mattress.  As reasonably priced as bedding is nowdays, you would think they would make a small investment in getting the house sold.  

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Re: Home and House TV shows pet peeve

The buyers are in escrow on a home already when the tours are filmed. So maybe the lumpy beds are a quick set up for the cameras. 

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Re: Home and House TV shows pet peeve

LOL; they do show a lot of lumpy looking beds.

~ When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn't become a king. The palace turns into a circus. - Turkish Proverb
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Re: Home and House TV shows pet peeve

@depglassI believe most people do prep for showings, but here and there when I worked real estate, I walked into houses in which dirty dishes were in the sink and not just quick breakfast bowls as well as beds unmade at all.  Once a house I was showing even had a toilet that had been used and not flushed before the owners went out.  Yuck!

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Re: Home and House TV shows pet peeve

I rarely watch these kinds of show, usually just when I'm at my mom's as she has them on all the time. 


I've noticed the same thing. 


Some of the homes are quite nice as are the furnishings, but the beds look terrible. 


I guess I've seen from my personal life, a lot of people actually live like that, having beds they never make, or just have ratty blankets or cheap and worn out comforters on. 


I like a pretty dressed bed, and believe in making them look like a magazine when it comes to neatness. I guess that just isn't a lot of other people's priority. 

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Re: Home and House TV shows pet peeve

I could not stand to get into a bed every night that hadn't been made up.....I love a nice clean bedroom with a beautifully made bed..... 

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Re: Home and House TV shows pet peeve

It's a pet peeve of mine to see a bed that looks messy.  Half of the beds don't even have a headboard.  

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Re: Home and House TV shows pet peeve

Sorry to disappoint. I don’t have a headboard and I almost never make my bed. I’m just happy to get out of bed and to class or clinical on time. 😂 I have pretty and colorful bedding but making it is definitely NOT a priority. 😁
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Re: Home and House TV shows pet peeve

I love simple, elegant bedding, yet one that’s easy to neaten up. It takes me less than a minute to make my bed in the morning, partly because I don’t have a lot of extra pillows or blankets. I think the condition of the mattres has a lot to do with how good the bed looks, with or without a headboard. A sad mattress is a sad bed—lol.

Posts: 23
Registered: ‎06-08-2010

Re: Home and House TV shows pet peeve

I quit wasting my time watching these fake shows.  The supposed buyers have already picked a property and the other two are staged.  FAKE show.