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His and her master baths.

[ Edited ]

Would much prefer that to a huge master bath that accommodates two people.  I see those on renovation shows on TV and think there's nothing I do in the bathroom that I want an audience.  


A high school friend's parents had his and hers master baths.  That's the only one I've ever seen.  That was also a lot of years ago.


I'm spoiled from having my own bathroom for a long time.  I never want to share a bathroom ever again.


That's all.

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Re: His and her master baths.

I Am in complete agreement with you!  We have always had our own individual bathrooms, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. The over the top masters baths seem like they are more for entertaining than using.  

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Re: His and her master baths.

Not fussy. Just having a bathroom off the master fulfills our needs.

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Re: His and her master baths.

DH and I have never shared a bathroom...except on vacation.  His is attached to the master...small footprint.  Mine is larger, lucky me!

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Re: His and her master baths.

We both have our own bathrooms.  Mine is on the main floor and handicapped accessible.  His is in our  finished basement that he has two ways to get to it.  It's great because he doesn't have to track mud and grass throughout the house.  

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Re: His and her master baths.

As a realtor, I worked with one couple who renovated their master baths into his and hers in both the house they sold and the one they bought.  His just had a toilet and sink.  Hers also had shower and tub.   I'd like to have the same!

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Re: His and her master baths.

I think it is an excellent idea and builders need to include in their plans or offer as an option.  I would love my own bathroom if I was married again.  This way you can clean your and he can clean his.  When I was married, I did it all -- work, clean the house, grocery shopped and cooked.  Doesn't seem unbalanced?  That's why I am divorced.  LOL

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Re: His and her master baths.

DH does clean his own bath but will admit I do the deep clean.

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Re: His and her master baths.

I wouldn't want to share my own bathroom, then again, I'm single so there's that.  Seriously, I really don't have a problem sharing a bathroom as long as other people clean up after themselves after using the bathroom. 

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Re: His and her master baths.

My DH and i share the master bath off of our bedroom.  Down the hall is an unused extra  large bath reserved for guests. ( used to he the kid's bath.) we have always been in different schedules and don't mind sharing.


Many new homes around us are being built with two master bedrooms each with a master bath.  They are selling well.