Posts: 69
Registered: ‎08-15-2010

Happy Friday! What candle or tart or freshener are you scenting with today, 4-8-10?

This forum is great and lots of love for battery operated candles. I have a few and love them, too. But I still need my scent, I can't imagine a house without a new scent every day. It changes everything, to me, in a happy way. Please join in and if you love a scented home, share it here so we can all learn about the good and maybe not so good? Candles, tarts, air fresheners, plug ins, sprays, etc. I know we have a Candle forum but this forum has more action!

Today I am melting CCS Cactus and Sea Salt, very fresh, light, cleansing and upstairs I'm melting Mountain Dew which is like the soda and it's also fresh and light and I can even smell the bubbly.

This morniong I got a big package from a new tart vendor, Dream Soy. The clamshells were $3.24 which is not bad.