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Re: Hanging Picture on Crown Molding

I love the couch.  I don't like the picture hung that high and hate the antlers.  It's way too much clutter overall for me.

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Re: Hanging Picture on Crown Molding

While I have seen pictures hung from crown molding (before command strips) usually from a ribbon or decorative cording that look fine but I don't care for this art placement at all. There is nothing cohesive about it so it's not a pleasing look to me.  Hanging the top picture so high causes the main piece to hang to low. It's also large enough that the smaller pieces aren't needed. Antlers need to go too.The rest of the room I can deal with, one man's clutter is another man's treasures. 

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Re: Hanging Picture on Crown Molding

This is the epitome of someone who has way too much stuff and feels the need to display or have all of it in view. I would never hang anything on crown molding, but I also wouldn't feel the need to display all of this stuff! What a mess!

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Re: Hanging Picture on Crown Molding

I'm all for organized clutter, but this room is too much.  I agree that the high picture looks ridiculous.  I think simply removing that picture and the antlers would make a big difference.  

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Re: Hanging Picture on Crown Molding


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Re: Hanging Picture on Crown Molding

I'm really particular about hanging pictures at 'just the right height'. So many people hang them way too high. This goes way beyond even that. Looks ridiculous. 

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Re: Hanging Picture on Crown Molding

So cluttered they had to set the cup of coffee or tea on the floor.

In Victorian times rooms were jam packed like that including horns,heads etc.  Awful.

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Re: Hanging Picture on Crown Molding

This room has nice elements but badly needs editing. The picture looks ridiculous hanging from the molding. I'd remove all the pictures and start over with a different arrangement.

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Re: Hanging Picture on Crown Molding

Looks like they were trying to cram one more piece into the room. Not a good look to me. Not fond of the antlers either. Too many books on the table.  I do like the rooster though. 

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Re: Hanging Picture on Crown Molding

@MickD wrote:

@wilma The room makes me itch....haha!


I did see a rehab show where the paintings/pictures were hung on ribbon or twine from nails in the crown molding.  It looked really neat.  I learned that this was commonplace in the old days as walls were made of plaster, and nailing would cause cracks.


Thanks for the info. I wondered if there was a reason to do this. Interesting.