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Re: Hanging Picture on Crown Molding

That looks terrible! I am sorry but this room looks like they didn't know what to do with things so they just piled them up and hung stuff.

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Re: Hanging Picture on Crown Molding

I think the person moved from a big house to an apartment and didn't let anything go.  The picture hung so high is the first thing to go.

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Re: Hanging Picture on Crown Molding

What a cluttered mess!  Not a fan of this room at all. Maybe they hung the picture that high because it was the only space left... 😲

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Re: Hanging Picture on Crown Molding

Oh no!! A big no for everything!!



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Re: Hanging Picture on Crown Molding

What a strange way to display art....SMH!!!!  And the room is a cluttered mess too.....

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Re: Hanging Picture on Crown Molding



Picture placement looks ridiculous. The room just needs straightening/tidying - otherwise it's kinda cozy.

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Re: Hanging Picture on Crown Molding

@wilma , yikes!  This reminds me of something though.  I had an artist friend who used to hang his art from a nail or whatever in a way that showed the wire in a big way.  I always hated the look, found it very old fashioned and dated but he was the artist, what do I know???


It may be as another poster noted that the wall is plaster and that is the only way to do it.  Not a fan.  Nope.  LM

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Re: Hanging Picture on Crown Molding

@wilma  No, not a fan of that portrait hanging from the molding. I do like the room aside from that, though. I could curl up on the sofa and read a book quite happily. I am loving the landscape painting above the sofa!! My kind of room. 

F/N/A luvstogarden
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Re: Hanging Picture on Crown Molding

This room is an atrocity.  A picture should be hung at eye level.  The person who furnished this room never heard "less is more".

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Re: Hanging Picture on Crown Molding

[ Edited ]

@wilma  Maybe aunt Tilley was coming to visit and they had to quickly hang uncle Henry's portrait that she had painted 🤣. Years ago , that they hated and had stashed in the attic. LOL.


Eta...actually happened to me. Visitor asked " where's so and so's moms painting "? 
My reply as I pointed to the hallway...." normally right there, took it down temporarily to hang Halloween decor"🤥