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I've tried to pull on the rope thingee,but I can't pull it up
I've also tried pushing up g door from the outside and still can't get the dang door open
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There's a small metal lever that come down when you pull the rope. To lock the door after shutting, you must get some long-handled tool and push the lever up. I use an old cane I keep just for that purpose. It'll click when its in place. Then the rope is ready to pull again.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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There's a small metal lever that come down when you pull the rope. To lock the door after shutting, you must get some long-handled tool and push the lever up. I use an old cane I keep just for that purpose. It'll click when its in place. Then the rope is ready to pull again.

@Kachina624, Will this reset the electronic opener or does some sort of reprograming have to take place after the power is back on.

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@tiny 2No, it won't reset anything. It just a manual method of opening the door without the motor or electricity. Everyone ought to know how to use it, just in case....

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Q friends thankyou for all your info on garage door.hopefully this problem will be fixed by tues.i am in central ill and tonight it is not suppose to be as cold as last I won't worry about car not turning over
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If your car's battery is in good shape, it won't mind the cold at all. Otherwise, please try to open the garage door manualy so you can park the car inside.

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Re: Garage door

[ Edited ]


Make sure the garage door is not locked. Pulling the rope takes some oomph. Give it a good tug until the lever moves free.