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Re: Folklore Painted Cabinets

It's suffocating!


It looks like they're trying to mimic the backsplash.

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Re: Folklore Painted Cabinets

@wilma As my mom would say, too busy!  Although we had a dishwasher when I was living at home that you could change the panel on the front to different colors.

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Re: Folklore Painted Cabinets

A definite no for me.

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Re: Folklore Painted Cabinets

I like the idea of painted cabinets and these are pretty.  However, as others have stated, it is a bit much.  I would have limited the designs and not had them on every door.

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Re: Folklore Painted Cabinets

[ Edited ]

@wilma wrote:


Do you like these painted cabinets? 


I can appreciate the artwork & talent, but it’s not for me. There’s too many competing patterns for my eyes. Painting the 2 doors under the sink the same design might be an interesting accent, if all the other cabinets were plain wood. 




Agreed @wilma... Artistic though it might be, I could only appreciate this on a much smaller scale... Similar to Scandanavian folk art called rosmaling, which is lovely on an object or a piece of furtniture, but I wouldn't want a whole room of it...


The Painted Heron | Art decor, Norwegian rosemaling, Rosemaling ...



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Re: Folklore Painted Cabinets


I agree with you, waaaayyy too many competing designs.  


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Re: Folklore Painted Cabinets

No, I don't care for this at all.  Years ago, one of my good friends painted her cabinets and then stenciled them.  Even back then I thought it was a cheesy look.

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Re: Folklore Painted Cabinets

Just having the ones in the upper middle amidst some painted cabinets I would like very much. But that's all!

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Re: Folklore Painted Cabinets

I don't like's neither a clean or cozy look to me.  Just a cluttered mess and looks very dated.  

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Re: Folklore Painted Cabinets

@ALRATIBA wrote:

I enlarged the pic to get a better look.   


I like it - my only concern is how durable that is in a kitchen.  They would have to some sort of coating to prevent discoloration.  


If they were ceramic tiles rather than painted wood - it might be easier to clean.  





Thanks for enlarging the photo. 


You’re correct in your comments about preventing discoloration & cleaning. The paint would definitely need to be treated.