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Re: Eat-In Kitchen With Table And Chairs

Very well done!  I love the look of the kitchen area!


The top of the table is wonderful!

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Re: Eat-In Kitchen With Table And Chairs

It's pretty but too close to the Living Room for me...I don't need total Open Concept, but this is like one big room for kitchen, dining, and living.. The kitchen itself is very pretty though....I like a little separation with rooms though..

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Re: Eat-In Kitchen With Table And Chairs

@PickyPicky3 wrote:

I keep wondering if there's an actual dining room somewhere.

@PickyPicky3   YES....Here it is:



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Re: Eat-In Kitchen With Table And Chairs

What a handsome, spacious kitchen!  The overall house appears to be a stunner--  stately but warm, and those huge windows bringing the outside in.

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Re: Eat-In Kitchen With Table And Chairs

The kitchen has a counter with stools. I would get rid of that table and chairs. That would open the space between the living room and kitchen.


They have a nice dining room, so they don't need two tables.

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Re: Eat-In Kitchen With Table And Chairs

@Oznell   The whole house is a stunner!  I love traditional and the architect is Gil Schafer.  He seems to like traditional and so many things I like are just that!  Here are some pictures of the rest of this home.  I love every room in it!

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Re: Eat-In Kitchen With Table And Chairs

@jubilant wrote:

@Oznell   The whole house is a stunner!  I love traditional and the architect is Gil Schafer.  He seems to like traditional and so many things I like are just that!  Here are some pictures of the rest of this home.  I love every room in it!

@jubilant My home is similar to this one.  My kitchen is on one side of the house and our family room is on the other and in the middle there is space for a kitchen table.  Right next to this great room is the dining room.  We never use the kitchen table to eat at.  It just provides a drop spot for packages etc.  However, the space is made for a table and it would look odd without one there. 

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Re: Eat-In Kitchen With Table And Chairs

@ninjawife   Your home sounds lovely. I agree with you about the space where the table is. I probably shouldn't have called it an Eat-in kitchen...but, at the moment, I couldn't thing of what to call it...Ha!

I have a very large "great room". It's way too big for just a living area so we have a dining table, hutch, and buffet at one end.  Our kitchen is closed off, but we do eat at the dining table every day as we have a great view of our back yard... bordered by a woods.  I have always enjoyed eating around a table. Thanks for sharing!

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Re: Eat-In Kitchen With Table And Chairs

There appears to be a second sink just beyond the kitchen. What is that room? Do you have any idea?   @jubilant 

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Re: Eat-In Kitchen With Table And Chairs

@manny2   I'm  thinking a laundry room. I did see one other picture of this that showed just a small smidgeon more and it was a washer and dryer next to that sink.