Occasional Contributor
Posts: 5
Registered: ‎06-22-2010

I was wondering if anyone else has problems with their Dyson or had to deal with their customer service. I bought mine about 3 or 4 years ago. At least once a year, it starts to make a very LOUD grinding sound. I take it to the repair shop and they tell me thats Dysons way to get you to service it. Well its in the shop again and it hit me..for the price I paid for it, I dont think that I should have to dish out over ahundred dollars every year to get this thing serviced. The repair man is going to call me this week and tell me "whats wrong" with my vacuum..then Im going to call Dyson and see what they have to say about this. Im hoping they're of some help..maybe get a new Dyson out of the deal!!?? *wishful thinking*