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Re: Does anyone know where I could find a pierced/punched white ceramic candle lantern like this?

On 10/11/2014 Vamp said: has a similar one. I couldn't copy the pic, but here's the link:

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Posts: 251
Registered: ‎10-09-2011

Re: Does anyone know where I could find a pierced/punched white ceramic candle lantern like this?

Our Kroger store had some very similar, but I don't remember the bale handle. They were marked down a couple of weeks ago. Haven't been back in that section since.

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Posts: 407
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Does anyone know where I could find a pierced/punched white ceramic candle lantern like this?

I went back to the Family Dollar store and the lanterns were gone. I guess at only $10 each they sold the few they had in stock very quickly. I stopped by Big Lots yesterday and they had a few but they were small so don't waste your time looking there. I hope you find them. If I see any more, I will let you know.
Valued Contributor
Posts: 733
Registered: ‎04-24-2010

Re: Does anyone know where I could find a pierced/punched white ceramic candle lantern like this?

I saw them at Fred Meyer which is owned by Kroger. I live in Washington State and Fred Meyer is a very popular store out here.

Do you have any Fred Meyer stores where you live???

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Posts: 765
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Does anyone know where I could find a pierced/punched white ceramic candle lantern like this?

Thank you, everyone, for your ideas. I ended up buying the two Pottery Barn snowflake lanterns. They are really nice. The large one is so large, that it is on my hearth. The smaller one, I put on a coffee table. I will still keep looking for one that I can use year around. Hopefully, I can find that one locally, and inexpensively. The Pottery Barn snowflake lanterns can stay out all winter, which is nice.