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Do you still prefer white appliances?

Every Design Show favors Stainless Steel appliances and even relay that in order to sell a home, you need to upgrade your appliances to SS. I chose white appliances when I built my house (I have white cabinets) because I'm not a big fan of SS appliances. I love the way it looks. Does anyone else like white appliances more than SS?
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Re: Do you still prefer white appliances?

Me! Me! Me! Like you I just like the way it looks. Clean, warm and no finger prints!

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Re: Do you still prefer white appliances?

I have white and I prefer that to SS.

I have a small U shaped kitchen, and white looks perfect with my large white farmhouse sink.

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Re: Do you still prefer white appliances?

I don't care for the look or upkeep of SS appliances...way too industral for me. If I had white cabinets, I'd have while appliances. My cabinets are cherry and my granite countertops are silver, green and black, so my appliances are all black. My newest appliance is my dishwasher. Do you know that the black version was $100 more than the SS model. I couldn't beleive that!
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Re: Do you still prefer white appliances?

Yes, I certainly do. So hard to keep stainless steel free of smudges and other marks. Plus, unless you are buying the top of the line commercial grade appliances, you are not really getting stainless steel. I have gotten used to having a stainless steel kitchen sink and have a special polish I use to keep it looking shiny . . . until the water faucet drips onto it, and then I turn a "blind" eye to it.

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Re: Do you still prefer white appliances?

We will be upgrading our kitchen in a few months, and I intend to purchase white appliances.

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Re: Do you still prefer white appliances?

I actually never did, although I would definitely choose white if it were only between that, harvest gold, and avocado green! Smiley Happy

I love black, so mine are black for the first time and I'm very happy.

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Re: Do you still prefer white appliances?

I went from White, to Black, to White again. I grew tired of it and wanted a new look . Always saw fingerprints on SS and thought I would never go with it. Last Summer , we put in all new cabinets and upgraded appliances. We went with SS and it looks awesome. It has come a long way . My kitchen is gorgeous.{#emotions_dlg.thumbup1} I am over White appliances.

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Re: Do you still prefer white appliances?

I like white. Stainless steel is a lot of work to keep looking good.

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Re: Do you still prefer white appliances?

I've never liked them. I like black better.

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