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Re: Do you have pets in your home? Have you ever been criticized for it?

Does anyone else besides your husbands cousins wife have a problem with your home? Pets do not instantly mean your home is dirty. I have had dogs and cats all my life and I have to say that the only time someone commented on the smell in my house was when I had a scented candle burning! I don't think I know anyone who doesn't have a pet.

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Re: Do you have pets in your home? Have you ever been criticized for it?

On 4/7/2015 BLH said:

Everyone has their own thing. It just depends on what you're used to. As soon as I walk into someone's home who has a cat or dog I can smell it right away. The same if someone smokes. The people who live there are used to it. It's your home and you can do what you want. I have a friend who has a dog and I tell him not to bring the dog to my home. You have to respect everyone's home. I personally just find it disgusting when I see his dog wipe it's behind on the rug. It just grosses me out. But to each their own.

While I can foresee us probably always having at least one pet, I certainly would never take my pet to another person's house (the exception being my mom, who lives next door, and likes when the dog comes up to visit her). I think it is the ultimate in weird for people to think it is ok to take their pets to other people's houses, unless they have been invited to do so.

Our pets don't ever do their business on the floors of our house (cats use the litter box, and dog has never had an accident inside), and I wouldn't trust another animal coming in. They would smell ours, and perhaps get territorial.

We only transport our animals by car to the vet/groomers as well. None of them like to travel (they're home bodies!) and I don't like to take dogs in the car (even though some love to travel) because it limits where I can go and how long I can stay in somewhere when they are in the car.

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Re: Do you have pets in your home? Have you ever been criticized for it?

Same here Stevieb! {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

Oh, and there's this to consider. {#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

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Re: Do you have pets in your home? Have you ever been criticized for it?

On 4/7/2015 MJ 12 said:

One can definitely have a pet and a clean home. It just takes more work.

I don't trust people who don't like pets.

I hate to be judgmental about something like this. But I have to agree. People who don't like or are mean, abusive, or uncaring toward animals give me a reason to wonder just what is wrong with them.

I can totally understanding not wanting to keep a pet. Perhaps you are too busy, too broke, don't want to take the time to do the extra work, are allergic, or what ever. There is a difference, to me, between not wishing to have a pet, and not liking pets/animals in general. The latter says something not so good about a person.

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Re: Do you have pets in your home? Have you ever been criticized for it?

I have always had indoor dogs, while growing up and as an adult. We now have two (for the first time in my life) and we love it. I have wood or tile throughout my house (except for bedrooms) and I swiffer or vacuum every day. I change bedding (yes! they sleep on our beds!) weekly including blankets, comforters etc. My dogs are bathed weekly as are their dog beds. I guarantee my house will pass any sniff test and there is probably more of my hair on the floor than theirs. But to answer the OP question, NO, I don't believe that an indoor pet makes a house dirty, nor do I believe that not having an indoor pet makes a house clean!!!

I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend, til death, your right to say it
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Re: Do you have pets in your home? Have you ever been criticized for it?

On 4/7/2015 suzeecat said:

As far as keeping your home clean, I think it's similar to having children (because pets are your family too). It's a lot of extra work, but most believe it's worth it. Some people know their house is less clean because of kids/pets and are OK with it. This is fine, because it's their home, their choice (as long as it doesn't affect the neighbors).

I think it's normal to have indoor pets, but if someone doesn't have pets they may very well feel differently. I recently lost my two elderly kitties and am currently petless. My home is much cleaner and easier to keep clean now, but I do miss them.

So sorry about the loss of your kitties. I was, at one time for about 6 months or so, petless, when our last surviving elderly cat had passed. I did want to be without pets for awhile, as it had been a line of old (18+ years each) pets passing, and I was, quite frankly, worn out from the process, and drained emotionally from losing that many 'children'. I was amazed at how much less housework I had, and I enjoyed it while it lasted. But, the right rescued dog found us, and we were back in the saddle sooner than I'd anticipated. That was a decade ago, and we've been a multiple pet family again!

I do hope that if you wish to have another pet, the right one finds your heart and you have 'messy' floors once again.

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Re: Do you have pets in your home? Have you ever been criticized for it?

On 4/7/2015 molisa said:

I have nothing against pets but the don't belong in my home. I am extremely picky about cleanliness. Not only can I tell if someone has pets when I walk in their home, I can often tell when I meet them. Clothes with pet hair on them, coats and other rarely cleaned items have a smell clinging to them (and don't protest, it is true, you are used to it if you have pets and that is fineSmile.) I won't eat at a house that has indoor pets or eat food that comes from one.

That said, it's your home and if you want a full on petting zoo in your living room or one dog in your sunroom and anything in between that is fine with me. That is the great part about living in a democracy, no one gets to dictate if you have animals in your house our not. Live your life and move on!

molisa, your opinion in definitely in the minority here, and I'm so glad that you did post, and I totally respect your opinion. I can tell that you are one who, while preferring to not have pets, doesn't dislike animals or feel they have no place in other people's lives.

I think it is like some people who wish to not have children. They don't hate kids, and understand how others wish to be parents, but just choose to live a life without that particular experience.

Thanks for sharing a different view.

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Re: Do you have pets in your home? Have you ever been criticized for it?

People who would share such rude opinions are not friends; I wouldn't give them a second thought if they reject your hospitality. I have had a pet since I was five and they have added so much to my life. Nothing comforted me after the death of my dear mother more than the sympathetic purr of my cat. My house may have fur in the corners, and dog treat crumbs in the kitchen, but it is full of love.
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Re: Do you have pets in your home? Have you ever been criticized for it?

On 4/7/2015 Chrystaltree said:

I swear, sometimes this board can be a very weired I've never in my whole life heard anyone say that one cannot have a clean home with pets. No one ever says that because every single person knows people who have pets. Family pets are away of life in this country. For most of my marriage, we had a cat and a dog along with our 2 children. Did we have a sterile house? No. Does anyone need a sterile house? No. We had a big yard in those days and our pets went outside to play and do their business. We brushed them, bathed them, took them to the vet. They did not "dirty" the house any more than our two kids did. Actually, probably less than the kids. The dog passed on and now we have just a cat and we are in a condo and the cat is an indoor cat. Yes, we have to stay on top of the hair problem. I don't like cleaning litter boxes, it's expensive but we use those disposable litter trays. I toss the used one out and open a new one every other day. I mix baking soda in with the litter, there's never a "litter box" smell. The cat doesn't throw wild parties or have food fights with my husband; so, our house is always clean. Not sterile and spotless, just normal clean. Almost eveyone I know has a pet of some sort and they have clean homes. Not sterile, pristine, spankin clean homes. Pet-less people don't even have

You obviously haven't gotten out much, or intimidate people to the point they wouldn't say it to your face, but just go onto the threads about eating at pot lucks or gifted food, and you will see very many people who think having an animal in the house is filthy. I personally have know several people that would never allow an animal in the house, and aren't comfortable in others homes where pets are present, clean house or not.

I think most people on this particular forum are pet lovers, but you don't have to go too far to find those that aren't.

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Re: Do you have pets in your home? Have you ever been criticized for it?

On 4/7/2015 stevieb said:
On 4/7/2015 GinaV24 said:

stevieb, yes, I feel that way, too. When I was "dating" again, I found that if the dogs didn't like someone, there was a good chance that I wouldn't either. I should have had a dog check him out before I got married, it would have saved me a lot of heartache. LOL


I once had a guy tell me either the cat went or he did... You can probably guess which one of them I set free...

Yep{#emotions_dlg.thumbup1} I'd be tellin' him, "Don't let the door hit ya' where the good Lord split ya' " {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

It's God's job to judge the terrorists. It's our mission to arrange the meeting. U.S. Marines