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Do you have a clothesline that you use?

Mine is old and not used and I think I'll take the line on the poles down.  No one uses them anymore do they. (Don't count the Amish, I know they do.)  Mine is too hard  to get  to and with a basket full of heavy wet clothes, too much to get to.


Do you have a clothesline, that you use?

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Re: Do you have a clothesline that you use?

I use mine for sheets in the summertime. While I'm able I will continue to enjoy the pleasure of sleeping on sun dried sheets. 🌞

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Re: Do you have a clothesline that you use?

Took mine down years ago, and use my dryer or folding racks to dry everything.

When my husband and daughters allergies, asthma, and COPD worsened, all of the rugs and carpet went out, and the clothes lines came down. I only open windows when I'm home alone.
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Re: Do you have a clothesline that you use?

I have this in my basement for the occasional thing I need to line dry.






They make similar ones like they have in hotel showers for your home.  I assume that would need a professional to install depending on your shower.



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Re: Do you have a clothesline that you use?


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Re: Do you have a clothesline that you use?

I have one but don’t use it because it’s under trees and I don’t have a desire to have birds poop on my laundry. A man must have originally put it where it is — or the trees have filled out since then. 

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Re: Do you have a clothesline that you use?

I miss having a clothesline.  In my apartment I have one of those 3-armed racks that I hang things on that don't go in the dryer.  I set it up in the spare bedroom so I don't have to see it!

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Re: Do you have a clothesline that you use?

No. I grew up having to hang the laundry outside in the summer and in the basement in the winter. Then take it down when dry. That was enough for me. 

My yard now has too many trees to have a clothesline. As another poster said...birds.

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Re: Do you have a clothesline that you use?

[ Edited ]


Yes, a retractable one that runs the length of the screened porch,

      a bit of sun in the morning, lots of fresh air.


Excellent for drying dish towels, T shirts, and masks.



"Animals are not my whole world, but they have made my world whole" ~ Roger Caras
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Re: Do you have a clothesline that you use?
