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I had a dishwasher  only about two years old that started to stink up the house with a burning smell.  Immediately shut it off.  Later--long after I had replaced that dishwasher--I got a notice about some models of that brand being recalled  and a class-action lawsuit underway because of a fire hazard. 


I guess sometimes the electronics in today's washers can get overheated and fail.  Pretty scary.  I know I was scared when I smelled the burning!!

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I never liked the way my  dishwasher cleaned- even after using 'finish' and the pods!  It's only a couple of years old too. So I hand wash and it's my drying rack!! I guess this is one possible fire I'll avert. Woman Happy

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our maytag dw was recalled for the heating element could catch fite to. they came out and replaced it.

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My parents had a fire in their house while they were away on vacation caused by an appliance that was just plugged in.  It was an electric can opener.  It was operated by pressing the handle down.  They think the handle fell down by itself, it ran until it overheated and got very hot, igniting the cabinet to which it was attached.  It smoldered creating a greasy, black soot that covered everything in the house, even things in drawers and closets.


Their insurance company hired a husband/wife clean up team that spent over 2 weeks rehabbing the house.  Things like the oil paintings and Navajo rugs had to be sent to specialists for cleaning.  It was quite an ordeal.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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When we moved here 23 years ago, we removed the dishwasher (hate them and wanted that space back for a bank of drawers). 


In doing so, we saw where it was plugged/wired into the power source underneath was a little dicey. 


Could it be electrical issues?

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When we moved here 23 years ago, we removed the dishwasher (hate them and wanted that space back for a bank of drawers). 


In doing so, we saw where it was plugged/wired into the power source underneath was a little dicey. 


Could it be electrical issues?

Also had mine removed (hate dishwashers...stinky, noisy, and take forever!) last year when we had the kitchen redone...also had drawer storage put in its place....So love my drawers!

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I unplug everything that has a heating element in it when not in use. This includes dishwasher, toaster, coffee maker, hair tools and clothes dryer. Not my stove because I can't get to the plug.  I never run any appliance if I'm not here and I never run them while sleeping either. 

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Wow - this is pretty scary.  We always run the DW right before we go to bed.  Might have to rethink that.  


I use the Finish pods too in plastic.  It seems like they used to make a type with no wrapping at all - maybe that's a better way to go.


Thanks for the heads up!

We used to run ours at night too!  We have since stopped this habit......


Be safe!

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I also had my dishwasher removed because I wanted more cabinets and it is only 2 of us here and we do the dishes together.  I would never leave any appliance run through the night or when I am away.  More concerned about a fire because always had at least one dog.


I would not even use a crockpot and leave it on when I was at work.  Same for oven that timed to start or stop at a certain time.  Never used that feature.  I had a friend who had a dryer fire while she was at work.  I always turn off the dryer when I leave the house.  Again worry about the animals.


No point leaving anything to chance - we have enough perils that we cannot control so we should control what we can.

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But... But... Don't "they" want us running our dishwashers at night, when the drain on the electric grid is less? Isn't that what smart meters are all about? Making sure we follow the rules?


Eagerly awaiting zero point energy.