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David's old-fashioned Christmas show?

A few years ago David had a show featuring vintage-type Christmas items. I haven't seen another show like it since. Maybe those items didn't sell well. I was wondering, though, whether anyone had heard anything about a return of a vintage-style Christmas item show, whether hosted by David or not. Although David did seem to show a real love for that style and would likely be the best host for a show like that.

[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.
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Re: David's old-fashioned Christmas show?

I remember those shows, and last year I posted that question on his blog, but got no answer. I thought he thoroughly enjoyed those shows, "Merry Memories with David" maybe they were called? He designed/chose the vintage items for the shows. Everything was remakes of things popular in the 1950's and I have many of the originals that he based the show on.

I wish they'd bring a few of those shows back each season. I like that they are doing some "theme" shows like Lisa Robertson's Christmas. Breaks up the endless Bethlehem Lights and Mr. Christmas stuff.

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Re: David's old-fashioned Christmas show?

No, but "vintage" is sort of a vague term. I like Atomic Age vintage, others like 1940s vintage or turn of the century vintage.

It looks like Mr Christmas and Valerie both have vintage items listed for Christmas.

Valerie item H203880

Vintage Winter Chickadees Collection by Valerie

Mr Christmas item H201959

Set of 3 Vintage Porcelain Ornaments by Mr. Christmas

Valerie item H203231

Set of 4 Vintage Clip-On Candles by Valerie

Those are just things that came up when I searched for vintage and narrowed the results by For the Home. You can probably do searches on all Mr Christmas or Valerie items to find that don't use the word "vintage" but may have the look and feel you're going for.

The links didn't change color, but I added a hyperlink to each item number, so clicking the item number should take you to the QVC item page.

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Re: David's old-fashioned Christmas show?

Carolyn has been presenting some of these retro items in her shows on Tuesday mornings.

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Registered: ‎03-15-2014

Re: David's old-fashioned Christmas show?

Maybe they decided they had enough Christmas programming already.