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I am always surprised by the responses about white/cream rooms.  


Which do you find this- cozy or depressing?

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Definitely not cozy, industrial, stark, cold.

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It's definitely not cozy, but I wouldn't call it depressing either.  It seems awfully dark to me even though it has the large window.  I don't like a lot of gray, and this is too gray for me.

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Cozy; I like it.

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@Kachina624 wrote:

Cozy; I like it.


This surprises me. Cat Surprised There is no turquoise! Cat LOL

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I only like the table and the greensSmiley Happy

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Re: Cozy or Depressing?

[ Edited ]

IMO this room is too dark, lighter woods would be cozier, and that window needs curtains or even blinds, it is too much light for that dark of a room, not to my liking at all.

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I like the table, so maybe with a different set of chairs and some colorful decorations or food.
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It’s creepy!

The “no-go” for me is that horrid (IMO) brick wall.

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Re: Cozy or Depressing?

[ Edited ]

I love white and cream rooms and find them inviting.


The kitchen you posted in neither cozy or depressing. It is too plain and blah.  There are no upper cabinets and the brick walls are boring.  The lights are taking center stage and they are not all that.


The whole room is done is a series of rectangles and it looks too boxy. A round/oval table would look better and with items of different shapes.


It looks unfinished to me.