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Re: Cozy Christmas Fireside...

The color of the room is overwhelming. It takes away from the otherwise cozy, comfortable room. 

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Re: Cozy Christmas Fireside...

This room is not my cup of tea.  A miss for me. Cat Indifferent

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Re: Cozy Christmas Fireside...

Blink test.......all I see are those awful over-sized stockings!

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Re: Cozy Christmas Fireside...

The tree is pretty, but I'm not feeling this space.

~ When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn't become a king. The palace turns into a circus. - Turkish Proverb
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Re: Cozy Christmas Fireside...

That tree makes me happy when I look at it. It is hard for me tell what the color of the room actually is from the limited view of it in the photo. The chair seems a bit out of place, but something cozier might look better. 

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Re: Cozy Christmas Fireside...

I don't mind the wall color. I like the fireplace and tree. That chair is not the coziest, but it's pretty, and I think the white chair is nice with all the other colors. What I don't like is those white stockings. They literally look like oversized white socks. I'd prefer more decorative & colorful stockings. 

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Re: Cozy Christmas Fireside...

Love the tree but not Paul Bunyan's stockings.

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Posts: 8,964
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Cozy Christmas Fireside...

Change the room color and replace the chair with a comfy oversized chair and I like it. 

Looks like the perfect spot to sit and read The Night Before Christmas. I can picture the children sitting on the floor listening intently.