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@CANDLEQUEEN  I actually like it. Love lots of color and prints. It's fun looking.

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The designer must have been going for bizarre and absurd.  Color is the least of this room's problems.

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Whoa....not living in this room no matter how much you would pay me !!

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Re: Color Overload!

[ Edited ]

Looks like someone took LSD


I do like color and interesting prints,  however this is to much for me .

Some pieces might be okay in a different  grouping

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Re: Color Overload!

[ Edited ]

Boy!  As much as I love color and prints, this is way too much for me.  Makes my eyes hurt.  There is nothing in this room that I like.

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Registered: ‎05-10-2010

It's a clown house!  Lol...

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Registered: ‎03-10-2013

This is an easy pass for me. Fire the interior decorator 😁

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My eye doesn't know where to go.  This is too much for my brain to process.

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Registered: ‎08-31-2019

This would have to be a case of color blindness. It all looks shades of gray to them ... lol.

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Registered: ‎06-07-2010

Yikes!!  Does a tranquilizer come with this????