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Cleaning Under A King Size Bed After 7 Years!

So the other day I bought the Mattress TSV (believe me it was way overdue). I am downsizing from a King Size bed (I've had that mattress for at least 20 years).

I remember when my late husband and I bought it. Come to think of it, it's probably been over 20 years. Pathetic huh?

Anyway, I have to get a Queen size frame (I'll just go to COSTCO). However, I have a bad back (I can hardly walk) so I have two friends (good friends) who are coming so they can lift up the bed to see if there is another family living under there and what junk has collected under that bed.

I used to be able to turn the mattress, but since he died (10 years ago) I haven't been able to do anything!

I feel like such a terrible housekeeper. I was wondering if anyone else here has had this problems?

Maybe even one person who will speak up? Make me not feel like the slob I am?

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Re: Cleaning Under A King Size Bed After 7 Years!

I feel for you - understand completely. I was mortified when I decided to get hardwood floors in my bedroom and they had to dismantle the bed. Oh, the dust bunnies, etc., under the bed. But now I have hardwood and I have one of those robot cleaners to get under the bed! So much better for me! (I, too, am unable to turn my mattress on my queen sized bed by myself these days.)

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Re: Cleaning Under A King Size Bed After 7 Years!'s not healthy to let 'dust' & other (dead skin cells, dirt, pollen etc) accumulate under your bed. You sleep here and breath this stuff every night. Get someone to help you do this every 6 months or more often.

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Re: Cleaning Under A King Size Bed After 7 Years!

I was putting a new bedskirt on my queen-sized bed the other day and thinking how hard it was to move the mattress by myself. I know it's only going to get harder as I get older.

I have my bed frame on risers so that I can clean under it more easily, but it still gets super dusty behind the headboard and I have to take the whole bed apart to access that area. Guess what? I only take it apart once or twice a year...{#emotions_dlg.crying}

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Re: Cleaning Under A King Size Bed After 7 Years!

My dyson has an attachment that will go very flat under the bed. You do have to bend down to get it way back under there--but it does get a lot of junk. I'm sure other vacuums may have that attachment, too. Or as someone suggested the Roomba.

Whenever I have heavy furniture or appliances move, I cringe.

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Re: Cleaning Under A King Size Bed After 7 Years!

You are not alone! I recently moved my parents bed and cleaned underneath it. My mother was too embarrassed to have an "outsider" see what was under there. Lol - it was a disaster. It really should be done every six months (at least!), so I've made a commitment to go to my parents and do it for them going forward. I agree with the poster that mentioned possibly getting a tiny robot cleaner (Roomba) to get under there. Or just budget a cleaning service occasionally.

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Re: Cleaning Under A King Size Bed After 7 Years!

I was horrified when Lowes moved my old stove to install my new stove. All the gunk, dust, pens, marbles, coins, etc that had accumulated under the stove and down the sides of the cabinets was enough to turn Mr. Clean's head in circles. I have cleaned under my stove by taking out the bottom pan drawer but I never imagined that all this other gunk was under there. YIKES {#emotions_dlg.blushing} I know how you feel about moving items and turning over mattresses...I don't have the strength anymore and so it doesn't get done. Gail

~~66 and owned by cats and dogs.~~
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Re: Cleaning Under A King Size Bed After 7 Years!

It wasn't until I had a visit to the allergist (dust mites) when he asked if vacuum under my bed. I must've had that ""deer in the headlights"" look! Cat toys GALORE underneath there! That got me started vacuuming under there on a regular basis. Really made a difference.

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Re: Cleaning Under A King Size Bed After 7 Years!

Nothing beats a Roomba. That thing goes everywhere and does a terrific job. Once or twice after doing the job it died under the bed and I could not find it for hours. lol

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Re: Cleaning Under A King Size Bed After 7 Years!

We have king bed & a dog who spends a lot of time under it. We cleaned under it couple weeks ago. It was major operation. I try to vacuum my mattress once month.