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Can we ALL SAY HAPPY NEW YEAR to Oznell...

...who makes this HOME site worth visiting day in and day out.  The work that is required is vast and she makes it look like a breeze.  It's a labor of love or a love of labor and we enjoy her works.  Thank you, Oznell.  HAPPY NEW YEAR

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Registered: ‎05-09-2010

Re: Can we ALL SAY HAPPY NEW YEAR to Oznell...

A very happy new year to Oznell!

Respected Contributor
Posts: 4,753
Registered: ‎06-04-2012

Re: Can we ALL SAY HAPPY NEW YEAR to Oznell...



Hear Hear!  Yes agree wholeheartedly.


Love posts from @Oznell thank you so much!


Happy New Year to you and yours.

And to all fellow posters as well.  Smiley Happy

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Posts: 2,766
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Can we ALL SAY HAPPY NEW YEAR to Oznell...

Yes!!!! I agree with everything you say, @rockygems123 


@Oznell  is an integral part of this forum and I always learn something new and enjoy her posts so much....


Happy New Year @Oznell and to all of you!Heart



"We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals" -Immanuel Kant

"Once you have had a wonderful Dog, a life without one, is a life diminished"-Dean Koontz
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Re: Can we ALL SAY HAPPY NEW YEAR to Oznell...

Happy New Year Oznell...thanks for your postings.

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Posts: 1,597
Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: Can we ALL SAY HAPPY NEW YEAR to Oznell...

Thank you Oznell!


Always enjoy your posts!  And love seeing how others decorate their homes. 


I'm one of those "peeping toms".  When I take a walk, I love looking in people's windows!Woman LOL


Thank you for indulging me!


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Posts: 332
Registered: ‎06-11-2024

Re: Can we ALL SAY HAPPY NEW YEAR to Oznell...

[ Edited ]



Thank you for your very interesting home and decor posts that always have something amazing in them.


I have really enjoyed following and reading your posts.  You have such great taste and a wonderful imagination. 

Super Contributor
Posts: 267
Registered: ‎08-02-2024

Re: Can we ALL SAY HAPPY NEW YEAR to Oznell...

Happy New Year Oznell! Thank you for all you do! 💐

Honored Contributor
Posts: 8,439
Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: Can we ALL SAY HAPPY NEW YEAR to Oznell...

Just wanted to add - @Oznell is multi-faceted. She also contributes interesting information and pictures to the "TV and Movies" section.

She always seems to be adding interesting  information and pictures about movies that will be shown on TV.

Maybe she is busy watching "The Thin Man" movies (TCM) or the Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers movies (Movies Channel).

Honored Contributor
Posts: 10,225
Registered: ‎06-14-2010

Re: Can we ALL SAY HAPPY NEW YEAR to Oznell...

Oznell's posts are always of interest, whether they be about home decor, books, movies, history, it is all uplifting and enjoyable.  


Happy health New Year, Oznell and thank you for being one of the many posts which I love to go to and be enlightened!!!!