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Re: Bright and Airy Dining Room...

What a gorgeous spot for lingering over a meal.  Love that soulful floor!  Is that a little wooden horse sculpture on the table?  I like that too, plus the chairs, the segmented mirror, the color palette, and all the ferny greenery. 


It's romantic, with a light touch!

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Re: Bright and Airy Dining Room...

Nice room.  Though I don't usually like yellow walls, I think if the inside (right-side) wall  painted yellow would make it pop.

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Re: Bright and Airy Dining Room...

Beautiful room. Love the table, windows, floors and ferns. The chairs look very uncomfortable. I have never understood the idea that the hosts get comfortable chairs and the quests can sit and suffer. Seems rude and inhospitable to me. 

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Re: Bright and Airy Dining Room...

@alicedee wrote:

It's a pretty room.  But I'm not a fan of big windows with no way to cover them (maybe I am not seeing curtains or shades that are there?).  At some point some people are going to be squinting into the sun.


Perhaps the landscaping prevents that?


it is a lovely room...I really like the chairs, too.

@alicedee (and others who have said the same thing) agree there needs to be some kind of window coverings... I do find the windows beautiful but there needs to be some capacity to cover them even if privacy and light filtration aren't issues.... Love the chairs as well, other than the host chairs...

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Re: Bright and Airy Dining Room...

@fancy pantsy wrote:

very pretty.  i like it, except for the end chairs.  i would prefer that they match (or at least blend) with the other chairs.  

@fancy pantsy  I agree about the host chairs... I'd have chosen something else too...



In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: Bright and Airy Dining Room...

@Sawn wrote:

So pretty! It very much reminds me of eating brunch on my grandmother's screened-in porch when I was a young girl.

@Sawn  Sounds like a nice memory... Woman Happy

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Re: Bright and Airy Dining Room...


I really like this room too, it almost looks like a Sunroom!

@CANDLEQUEEN  It really does look like a converted sunroom... 

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Re: Bright and Airy Dining Room...

@stevieb Love this room.   Today it seems that less and less window coverings (curtains) are being used.  I do not have many curtains in my house.  Some designer shades that pull up so that you do not notice them.  My living room bay window has no curtains since there is a wonderful magnolia tree that fills up the window in the spring with beautiful blooms and leaves and red berries in the fall.  .  Even in the winter, the frame of the tree seems fills the window and the architecture of it is interesting without leaves and when snow fills up the branches.  . Plants are important near windows  as well.  I do not mind the mixture of dining chairs.  Don't much like mixy/matchy,  I like one or two pieces that are unusual.  

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Re: Bright and Airy Dining Room...

100% with @Spurt. Just remove the end chairs. As far as sun coming through the windows, perhaps there is a covered porch beyond those windows that keeps direct sun from shining in.

@Spurt wrote:

Beautiful room......the only thing Id change is the end chairs....


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Re: Bright and Airy Dining Room...

ITA, I think it's very pretty.