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We are considering a move from an older two story hillside home to a well built '50's ranch, and have come across something of an oddity with the plumbing.


It apparently was listed as a 2 1/2 bath home, and two of the baths are pretty much typical to the style of he house.


The "mud room" from the garage, has doors to the kitchen, garage, and attic, a washing machine (no dryer or venting for a dryer), and a toilet and tiny vanity sink.


At the advice of a trusted plumber, we are considering removing the bathroom fixtures. and buying a good sized stacking washer/dryer.


Has anyone ever chosen to reduce the number of baths in a home? Our plumber says they could be returned at some point in the future if we found that we needed them. Presently it seems very odd to me that the secondary entrance to our house would include toilet fixtures.


Does anyone have a set-up lke this? Thoughts on what to do?

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Registered: ‎09-13-2012

Re: Another bathroom curiosity

Why not just leave them?  Perhaps the family put them there so that kids playing outside could use the bathroom without tracking snow, mud, or dirt into the home.  If there's a party outside, that could also be useful.

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Re: Another bathroom curiosity

One of my childhood friends lived in a house like that in the 70s.  Might have been a modern feature.  Doesn't sound like you can close the door to the room without closing off access to the garage, is that right?  I'd loose the bathroom fixtures if so -- doesn't sound like much privacy.


If you  are a ranch with 2 other bathrooms (one presumably off the hall way with the bedrooms), you'll be fine with just the 2, even with guests.  

-- pro-aging --

Rochester, New York
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Re: Another bathroom curiosity

I would change it to whatever suits my needs if I were living there. I definitely would want a dryer near my washer. But I agree a bath by the back door would be useful for a family with children. 

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Re: Another bathroom curiosity

[ Edited ]

You said there were two other baths; so if one is available for guests to easily use (and you did say the house was a ranch), then the only reason for retaining the 1/2 bath on the first floor is if you or hubby want/need a facility easily accessible from the garage/yard without tracking thru the house.  So I'd say go for the convenience of laundry.  If you decide to sell the ranch soon for whatever reason you'd be able to list with "laundry on first floor" as an attraction.....something I'd love FAR more than a 1/2 bath off the kitchen/garage!


Go for it!

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Another bathroom curiosity

My Mom & her husband built a ranch in 1986. There was an enclosure, no door, with a toilet, then a washer/dryer & a utility sink. I don't know if they ever used it. No one else would ever use it. We all thought it was weird! LOL

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Registered: ‎03-21-2010

Re: Another bathroom curiosity

I would do what is best for the two of you ... a dryer for the clothes would be my preference but, on the other hand, if your husband works a lot in the garage & comes in with dirty hands etc., a sink to wash up would be a great thing!! .... only you can decide what the best choice is for you!!

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Another bathroom curiosity

The interior door from the garage isn't accessible to the backyard, and if we leave the toilet facilities I won't be able to have a full size washer/dryer, which I really REALLY want.


There are two back doors on the main part of the house, but not in the garage.........we THINK the previous owner MAY have needed facilities closer by the living area than in the hallway, but not necessary/important to us.


I'm also hoping my feline children will be able to adapt to the area as a cozy boudoir, complete with floor to ceiling climbing tree. Gotta meet everyone's priorities, Folks!


ALL of your comments are helpful!

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Re: Another bathroom curiosity

I have a laundry-1/2 bath of my garage thank heavens or I would have the men washing Thier hands in the kitchen sink. Maybe you could keep the sink and change it to a deep more mud room style sink. They come in handy for washing out all kinds of things.

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Registered: ‎08-08-2010

Re: Another bathroom curiosity

I think you should do whatever makes sense to your current lifestyle or anything you anticipate for the near future. I think that other posters were right that they could have been put there for kids coming in and not tracking through the house, or for when working outside and getting grass etc. covered, and not tracking through the house. Rather smart idea, in my experience.


Assuming that there are another two full baths on the main floor (which I'm guessing since you described it as a ranch) I would choose whatever suited my lifestyle or they sense of aesthetics for that entrance. I tend to worry much less about resale value, and more about what I like, need or can afford.