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Well, fellow readers and posters, we are about out of colors   to discuss. How about all white? Do you like all white rooms? 


I could probably live with a white bathroom, kitchen, or sunroom, but I would definitely add some pops of color in towels & accessories. The chore in keeping white clean is a major drawback for me. 


Here a few white rooms from the Internet. The first 2 two I could adapt by adding some colorful items and accessories. The last 2 are just too white for me. 








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Fur babies can fix the all white coverings problem.  Or grandkids.  

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Somersault East Hampton.jpg

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Love an all white room with tonal whites.

The first room is perfect.

Others are a tad too bright white might need sun glasses.

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@Somertime wrote:

Somersault East Hampton.jpg


Thanks for posting a photo. Is this your home? Looks very nice, relaxing, and comfy. I like how you added accessories in other colors. 

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Just not comfortable in an all white room.


My furbaby, Eddy, a black Amstaff/Cocker, would soon resolve my white-room syndrome problem though!

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@wilma   Yes, it is.  I love white and I love flowers, too.  I use flowers to add color.  I am surrounded by trees and vines and lots of greenery outside which reflects through the windows for added color.  This room faces north so the light is perfect, not sharp or glaring.  I have two large skylights as well.  Not everyone's cup of tea but perfect for me.  Children were raised in this home as well as pets.


Thank you for your kind comments!

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@Somertime  I love your room! 


@wilma  I like the all-white rooms, as I find them very peaceful, but they would never work in my home.  

The next time that I hear salt and ice together, it better be in a margarita!
Posts: 72
Registered: ‎08-03-2013

Love the kitchen but would definitely add some Fiestaware in multi colors would look great in the cabinets and some cobalt blue glass items would make it very workable for me...all very nice and something for all tastes...

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It is just to bland and boring for my taste. I like to see colors in a room that just make you smile and want to come in and sit a while.