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Can any pool owners suggest a floating water thermometer that won't get sucked into the skimmer?

We have been using a rubber duck type, but keep it tethered to the railing for the steps. We have a salt pool, so after awhile, the cord starts "growing" salt crystals.

I'd like the thermometer to just float freely in the pool...but then it seems to want to head right for the skimmer. It gets stuck and can't float back out.

Ideas would be appreciated!

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Posts: 822
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: A swimming pool question...

I've yet to find a pool thermometer that doesn't flow with the current of the pool and not land in the skimmer so we do what you do, we tie it to the steps. A few years ago we found a rubber duck thermometer that was larger than the skimmer opening so it never went in the skimmer per se, but it did get sucked up right next to it and everything that was supposed to go into the skimmer got stuck to the duck. Not a pretty sight, won't do that again.


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Re: A swimming pool question...

On 5/11/2014 curlywhitedog said:

I've yet to find a pool thermometer that doesn't flow with the current of the pool and not land in the skimmer so we do what you do, we tie it to the steps. A few years ago we found a rubber duck thermometer that was larger than the skimmer opening so it never went in the skimmer per se, but it did get sucked up right next to it and everything that was supposed to go into the skimmer got stuck to the duck. Not a pretty sight, won't do that again.


LOL...had to chuckle at "stuck to the duck," but I know what you mean. Guess I'm just going to have to tie the thermometer to the steps like before.
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Re: A swimming pool question...

We use that clear fishing line to tie the thermometer. I double it up for extra strength and it lasts the entire Summer.

Super Contributor
Posts: 585
Registered: ‎04-21-2010

Re: A swimming pool question...

We put our pool thermometer in our spa If you have a spa in your pool you might try it!