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Registered: ‎03-25-2010

A ? for those with the TSV lantern

Can the candle be removed? I thought when they were the TSV before someone said just remove 4 scr*ws in the bottom to take out. IF I were to order this (still on the fence) I would want to remove the outdoor candle and use it in another lantern I already have. I would put a wax candle that is blue and has seashells inbedded in this lantern. It would look good in my MB. Thanks.

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Re: A ? for those with the TSV lantern

@country gal


Yes... the first TSV has a candle that can be removed from the lantern by un scre@@@ it.  However, I have never taken the candle out... there would be a hole in the bottom to contend with.


Also, I can't remember if the candle, once removed, still operates?  HTH

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
Posts: 49
Registered: ‎07-13-2013

Re: A ? for those with the TSV lantern

Yes, easy to remove the candle, and it does work when removed. You will just have to replace with a candle of the same diameter or slightly larger to cover the hole. . I have several of the outdoor lanterns, and find the outdoor "plastic" candle makes a clicking noise, so change them out when I plan to use indoors.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: A ? for those with the TSV lantern

The rep said that it was not removable. 

Respected Contributor
Posts: 4,060
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: A ? for those with the TSV lantern

I think the rep meant that it is not intended to be removed, but you can take it out by removing the scr*ws as other posters have said.