Trusted Contributor
Posts: 1,433
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

The  VPH TSV is only $2.36 more today.



The TSV price percentage difference has decreased dramatically. It used to be discounted around 9% and now it is around 2-3%.



Super Contributor
Posts: 499
Registered: ‎04-14-2015

I never think the TSV's are a great buy.  It's always worth sleeping on it before you buy a TSV.  It won't be more than a few dollars more the next day.

(formerly NickNack)
Honored Contributor
Posts: 20,019
Registered: ‎08-08-2010

I have noticed this with most TSV's. They are rarely more than a couple of dollars more the next day, if available. 


I think that is why a lot of people wait it out, for the reviews to come in, and then make a decision. You aren't really saving much money, but they have you convinced it will be gone (and sometimes it is) and you'll never see it at this price again. 


What gets me is when a TSV is actually cheaper on clearance on down the line.