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Re: Valerie's Fresh Balsam Wreaths

LL Bean has nice fresh wreaths. They "instantly transport you to the forests of Maine and fill your home with the scent of Christmas."  How's that for a sales pitch?  Smiley Happy

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Re: Valerie's Fresh Balsam Wreaths

Was curious as to why VPH gets a pass on promised items that never arrived (back to June, 2021). It's not her fault? Why? She's representing the Brand and like any retailer it is responsible for the promises made. Yet the buck gets passed on to QVC. Then QVC passes it on as Covid related. Next it's passed on to shipping. Valerie's pleasant demeanor doesn't help anyone who has planned on receiving her items. Stand up like a businesswoman and apologize to the consumers. I'm sorry for all of you. I saw this coming and stopped ordering anything Holiday related when Harvest items weren't being received in July. I'm not so sure she's the sweet-pea we think. If I were her, I wouldn't want my Brand attached to anyone else nor pass the buck. 

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Registered: ‎04-07-2011

Re: Valerie's Fresh Balsam Wreaths

@Carmie  beautiful wreath!

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Re: Valerie's Fresh Balsam Wreaths

A nasty letter was sent to Whitney Wreaths for their failure to adhere to the shipping schedule.  It is inexusable that Items ordered in Christmas in July could not be fulfilled. Apparently this is another business that has grown too big for their bridges and seen quality and service decline. Why doesnt Valerie Par Hill do something ?

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Re: Valerie's Fresh Balsam Wreaths

@KailaS wrote:

How disappointing! I am sorry this has happened. If the wreaths are not arriving, can you order a wreath ( or something equally festive)  for each daughter through a florist close to their homes? I have been ordering items from florists who are not local to me but who are local to family and friends. I usually do it online, but sometimes I just call florists to make sure they have what I want to send out. 

Make sure you read the Reviews of the Florists you are ordering from !  It is easy 

for them to copy and paste amazing pictures and then fall very short on the delivery of product.  And it's not cheap.  i agree about the frustrations of ordering from VPH and getting the run around when the time comes.  That is unaceptable. !  Just be sure to do your homeowrk before just ordering from a business because they are in the area.  Just a heads up.

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Re: Valerie's Fresh Balsam Wreaths

@HonestLife wrote:

Was curious as to why VPH gets a pass on promised items that never arrived (back to June, 2021). It's not her fault? Why? She's representing the Brand and like any retailer it is responsible for the promises made. Yet the buck gets passed on to QVC. Then QVC passes it on as Covid related. Next it's passed on to shipping. Valerie's pleasant demeanor doesn't help anyone who has planned on receiving her items. Stand up like a businesswoman and apologize to the consumers. I'm sorry for all of you. I saw this coming and stopped ordering anything Holiday related when Harvest items weren't being received in July. I'm not so sure she's the sweet-pea we think. If I were her, I wouldn't want my Brand attached to anyone else nor pass the buck. 

I agree, I shop all over the internet and honestly the Q seems to be the only one who has had so many  problems. Hearing all the excuses, supply chain, covid, etc gets old. I understand these things are going on but seriously, don't sell what you cannot deliver. I have had a lot of orders from HSN and ShopHQ and they have all came through.

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Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: Valerie's Fresh Balsam Wreaths

Valerie has a long standing history of ignoring negative commentary. Not once has she admitted to shipping delays with these wreaths. If the distributor cannot meet demand and ship on time she needs to find someone who can. I order the week of Dec 6th I expect it delivered the week of Dec 6th. Im done.