Posts: 47
Registered: ‎06-04-2010

Tree cloche on front of qvc christmas in july flyer

hi, would anyone happen to know the item number or brand of the christmas tree cloche with a gingerbread house inside, that is on the front cover of the qvc christmas in july flyer that was sent out? (I didnt receive it..)




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Re: Tree cloche on front of qvc christmas in july flyer

@manamelinda , Try H427909. 

Posts: 47
Registered: ‎06-04-2010

Re: Tree cloche on front of qvc christmas in july flyer

Thank you so much for responding and your help!  I did see that cloche but its not the one on the flyer that I'm trying to find.... The glass is in the shape of a tree and the base is wood, and inside is a small house ...  I may not find it, although a few ladies said they purchased it yesterday but they havent responded to item number requests..


Thanks so much again!!

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Posts: 20,910
Registered: ‎12-07-2012

Re: Tree cloche on front of qvc christmas in july flyer

[ Edited ]

@manamelinda , I am now looking at that flyer. There is not an item number that appears for the glass tree with the house. 


The glass tree is not included in Valerie's sneak peek on her Facebook page either.


Sometimes props are used, and not in the QVC inventory.  


It may be that this particular item will be on one of the shows later in July. 



Posts: 47
Registered: ‎06-04-2010

Re: Tree cloche on front of qvc christmas in july flyer

THe Qvc facebook Page did mention it was not a Valerie Item , and some posters mentioned they were able to buy it yesterday, so I'm stumped, but I'll just keep checking for update inventory, Thank you so much for checking the flyer for me, I dont receive it!

Best wishes,


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Re: Tree cloche on front of qvc christmas in july flyer

@manamelinda It sounds interesting!  Are you able to post a picture of it?  Did you try a google lens search?  


Too bad no one on the facebook page has responded to you yet with an item number.  Hopefully they will.

Posts: 47
Registered: ‎06-04-2010

Re: Tree cloche on front of qvc christmas in july flyer

53h3n5fu.pnghi! This is the Item, Looking at it this close it may not be a cloche, but the posters all said it was!  

It looks very pretty!!! 

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Re: Tree cloche on front of qvc christmas in july flyer



It may be a Valerie item or another brand.  There are different brands in the flyer.  Some items of Valerie's that are in the flyer will be presented later in July.  There is a 7/29 show. 

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Re: Tree cloche on front of qvc christmas in july flyer

In the flyer there is a smaller version of that pic on the Valerie page.
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Registered: ‎05-21-2010

Re: Tree cloche on front of qvc christmas in july flyer

@manamelinda   It may be coming up later in the month. I asked about the starry nights Christmas trees that were shown in Valerie's sneak peak for CIJ. Another poster told me that they were scheduled to be sold on 7/29 no # yet. You  may have to keep checking subsequent CIJ shows.