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Today is National Vietnam War Veterans Day

Thank a vet for their service. We have 3 generations in our family:

Daddy:WW2 front row artillary gunner. Also served on the Draft Board during the VM war.

Hubbs: VN era vet. He enlisted and then was drafted. His Commander cleared things up!

Sonny Boy: Air Force SAC Silo Missiles in North Dakota.

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Re: Today is National Vietnam War Veterans Day

 National vietnam war veterans day banner
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Re: Today is National Vietnam War Veterans Day

Ah yes. The war whose veterans were "welcomed" home with distaste and bore the burden for many years as if they started the conflict. I know of what I speak cuz DH was one of them.

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Re: Today is National Vietnam War Veterans Day

Remembering those days can still make me teary, waiting for the draft announcements, the fear that friends and relatives could be going off to war in a far away land and wondering if we would ever see them again...Heart

Lynn-Critter Lover!
(especially cats!)
Posts: 63
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Today is National Vietnam War Veterans Day

U.S. Navy veteran here. 1966-1969. Was a Corpsman stationed stateside. Terrible war but all wars are terrible.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Today is National Vietnam War Veterans Day

@kathy213    I too am a USAF Vietnam era veteran.  No women except nurses were allowed in Vietnam during the war but I, too, served stateside as a personnel officer. 


Anyone else? 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
Posts: 63
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Today is National Vietnam War Veterans Day

Thank you for your service

Honored Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Today is National Vietnam War Veterans Day

You too, @kathy213

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Registered: ‎08-30-2014

Re: Today is National Vietnam War Veterans Day

Served in the Air Force 1964-1968 and stationed at the Pentagon my last tour of duty. I am so very proud to be an American and a veteran of the Armed Forces on this day and every day.

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Registered: ‎11-10-2015

Re: Today is National Vietnam War Veterans Day

I, also am a Vietnam War Era Veteran. US Army 72-75 serving all my time in Germany.  I remember the first time someone (in the airport) said to me "thank you for your service", I nearly broke down and cried.  Just for all the vets that never had that said to them.