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The Simplicity of This Christmas Tree Is Beautiful!

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I saw this simply decorated Christmas tree and fell in love with it.  It is reminiscent of the trees that were decorated circa 1700s.   I think next year, since I don't have the proper decorations this year,  I will opt to decorate my tree like this, though I would probably put small white lights on it too.  Your thoughts?468938830_10162339911395209_1402048186920145582_n.jpg

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Re: The Simplicity of This Christmas Tree Is Beautiful!

@ciao_bella That is a lovely tree, so vintage looking!    While it is not something I would choose for my home I can see how it would work, and yes white lights would really add some warmth to it........You have a knack for design.

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Re: The Simplicity of This Christmas Tree Is Beautiful!

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@ciao_bella  The tree is beautifully decorated. If I saw this tree way before 2018...before DH and I changed our lifestyle, I would have tried a version of how it is decorated.


However, now...there is no way I would want to hang any type of food-type of ornament/decoration on our trees...whether it be strings of popcorn/cranberries, slices of oranges/various fruits, or candy canes.


Sadly, only folks who live close to our lifestyle would understand.


Of coarse one could easily change out the food-type of ornaments with different ones, but that would change the entire look and it wouldn't be the same.


The tree you posted is still gorgeous the old world look. Smiley Happy

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Re: The Simplicity of This Christmas Tree Is Beautiful!

That tree would fit beautifully in a home in colonial Philadelphia or Williamsburg.  I would like the faux battery operated candles that clip on the branches to complete the look.  Thanks for posting.

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Re: The Simplicity of This Christmas Tree Is Beautiful!

That tree is beautiful.


It reminds me of the trees and garland at Colonial Williamsburg.


I love strolling in the historic district and seeing the decorations of pine cones, vines, nuts and fruits.  It seems almost every house has a pinapple or two.


Now, I want to visit.  The last time I was there they had snow and no way to get rid of it.  It was never plowed and became packed down ice.  I was wearing a medical walking boot at the time.  I still had fun.



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Re: The Simplicity of This Christmas Tree Is Beautiful!

I really love it! I'm in to vintage/nostalgic anything, though. This is a lovely idea, I think, and I would add some type of lights, too. 

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Re: The Simplicity of This Christmas Tree Is Beautiful!

What a beautifully decorated tree.  I really like it.  

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Re: The Simplicity of This Christmas Tree Is Beautiful!

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@ciao_bella what a great thing to think about for next year. Be sure to scour close-to-christmas and  after-christmas sales for good deals on natural ornaments and decot. Let us know how that goes!

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Re: The Simplicity of This Christmas Tree Is Beautiful!

I really like it. It's amazing looking at so many different ways to decorate a Christmas tree. They are all unique.  

Was out at the farm Tues. They had a couple different type Fir Christmas trees in the Barn store. So beautiful. 

They have trees growing on their farm they sell every year. 

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Re: The Simplicity of This Christmas Tree Is Beautiful!

What a lovely tree!

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