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Registered: ‎08-20-2012

Re: So who cancelled a lot this morning?

@lucymo and @mousiegirl  Got my Glitzy birds in white today.  They are CUUTE!  Happy camper me.  

Stay cool all!

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Re: So who cancelled a lot this morning?

@candys mine wrote:

@lucymo and @mousiegirl  Got my Glitzy birds in white today.  They are CUUTE!  Happy camper me.  

Stay cool all!


@candys mine  I am so glad that you are happy with your birds.  I love mine too.


@I will mention that a couple of years ago I found some very pretty clip on birds with long tails at Walmart in gold and white @$1.47 each.  Now they aren't as frilly as these but look beautiful on the tree. They also had owls, butterflies and other ones.  You might check your local WM when they put out the Christmas decor if you need more birds. 




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Posts: 7,662
Registered: ‎03-28-2015

Re: So who cancelled a lot this morning?

Big Lots also gets in birds and owls....they go fast. I was undecided and when I went back the next day, they were all gone,,

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Re: So who cancelled a lot this morning?

@Nataliesgramma wrote:

Big Lots also gets in birds and owls....they go fast. I was undecided and when I went back the next day, they were all gone,,


@Nataliesgramma  Years ago when DH would see my new purchases, I would quickly say if I waited, they would be gone, so from then on, he would say, "better get 'em."   Smiley Happy

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 7,662
Registered: ‎03-28-2015

Re: So who cancelled a lot this morning?

@mousiegirl....I will buy something now if I am undecided about it. I bring it home and then decide if I want to keep it or not. Even with things I really want, I buy a few extra because I have wished that I had bought a 'few more' too.....


My hubby used to complain too....but now he sees that I don't always keep everything....