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So the decorating shows are over already?

It's November 18th. Does Q not think it's worth their while to have more holiday decor shows? I know many people that don't even put out their decoration until mid-December.

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Re: So the decorating shows are over already?

Holidays With Jill Bauer will be on tonight at 10pm (ET).  But remember, her "holiday" shows are a mix of decor and gits, with a minor emphasis on decor. 


Valerie Parr Hill just had her last dedicated decor show earlier this week, but she may pop in & out of other gift shows in the next couple of weeks. 

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Re: So the decorating shows are over already?

I know. They could at least have them on until the 1st week in December......I do my decorating Thanksgiving weekend, but I do know some people who don't put their tree and decor up until the 1st week of December....

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Re: So the decorating shows are over already?

Yes, as @Caaareful Shopper mentioned, Jill's show tonight will be the last gasp of holiday decor for the season, unless there is a clearance show.  This is pretty typical considering that people put there decorations up around Thanksgiving, and it doesn't make much sense to sell stuff after today considering the time it takes for items to get shipped.  I'm receiving my last arrival today, and really starting to get my decorating done this weekend.

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Re: So the decorating shows are over already?

It seems that the decorating season was much shorter this year than in prior years. When you think about the decorating shows that were also gift shows then it was greatly reduced. Many of us use some of these items (window candles, candle rings,lanterns etc.) all year round so I don't see why those items could not be presented for more months.  Home decor items such as towels and sheets are always selling in the local retail stores. I wish QVC would expand these items and this category.  It's always the same thing repeated with an added color.  The number of "new" items has greatly diminished in the last few years.

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Re: So the decorating shows are over already?

While it feels that the selection of holiday decor items this year was less (and not nearly as good) than years past, this is indeed the time when the holiday decor shows end.


QVC will still have things here and there in gift shows but for all practical purposes, Q views Thanksgiving week as the time to have all holiday decor items shipped out. Most people decorate by Thanksgiving weekend sometime, and are not interested in buying much more after that time.


Every year we have shocked posters (many who 'simply refuse' to shop CIJ or in August and September) realize that this is how it is done here. 


I think there would still be interest in shows featuring holiday decor, but obviously it isn't enough to feature hour long shows, or entire events. 


From here on out, QVC is all about the gifting.

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Re: So the decorating shows are over already?

I believe that the reason people decorate earlier each year is because of the growing popularity of the artificial tree.  When I was a kid in PA, we would get our real tree around December 10 each year.  You couldn't go much earlier if you wanted to have the tree to last.  Now that you could enjoy the tree longer, it stands to reason you'd put all of your other decorations up earlier, too.  

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Re: So the decorating shows are over already?

@RazorSharp wrote:

I believe that the reason people decorate earlier each year is because of the growing popularity of the artificial tree.  When I was a kid in PA, we would get our real tree around December 10 each year.  You couldn't go much earlier if you wanted to have the tree to last.  Now that you could enjoy the tree longer, it stands to reason you'd put all of your other decorations up earlier, too.  

December 10 was my father's birthday.  As a child we began to decorate after that day.  I still do my decorating around that time.  Otherwise I get sort of sick of it.  I have friends that decorate Thanksgiving weekend, and then tear it all down on December 26.  I like to keep mine up until at least New Years Day.  Different strokes...

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Re: So the decorating shows are over already?

@RazorSharp wrote:

I believe that the reason people decorate earlier each year is because of the growing popularity of the artificial tree.  When I was a kid in PA, we would get our real tree around December 10 each year.  You couldn't go much earlier if you wanted to have the tree to last.  Now that you could enjoy the tree longer, it stands to reason you'd put all of your other decorations up earlier, too.  



I agree! And I think that holiday decor is so much "bigger" now than ever before. 


When I was a child and a young adult, I knew not a single person who had the quantity of decor most of us here have. It was pretty much a couple of boxes coming down from the attic or up from the basement. All the kids I grew up with had a decorated tree, and maybe a handful of other 'sit abouts' that were used year after year.


It was only the 'very rich' in our area that decorated like many of us here do now (and I didn't exactly grow up poor, most of the families I grew up with had at least a dad who was a professional of some type, and many were two income families).


Decorating for the holiday now, for so many people, is a huge undertaking, and most people feel if they are going to go to the trouble, they are going to have it up for awhile (as well as they love doing it and enjoying it, of course).


Back in the day, @RazorSharp, whether we were using a real tree or an artificial (if varied), my mom didn't want it up before about mid December either, and then there was just that couple of boxes of decor. There was definitely something about the anticipation and the short season that really made it stand out and special. I have to admit that while I love my decor and the look of my home when it is done, I do kind of get nostalgic about how truly special that short season was back then.

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Re: So the decorating shows are over already?

Valerie is on again today... unexpectedly.

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