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@Mominohio wrote:

@Julie928 wrote:

I was a bit nervous a couple of days ago.  I was worried I might see tons of things I had to have and (having no control) there goes the credit cards.  So far, I purchased two sets of the bird nests with the winter & autumn birds by Valerie, and three sets of the TSV ~ amber, red, and clear.  I decorate our nine-foot mantel with a miniature fairy theme and thought the little lights would look good ~ clear for Christmas (or everyday), amber for fall and red for Valentine's Day.  I looked at Jill's upcoming items and see some things I might like.  We'll see.  My point is, a few years ago I would be expecting lots of boxes at my doorstep.  In a way, I miss that.  Sorry, but selling Jo-Jo's hair bows during CIJ?  Really?  It seems anyone who has appeared on television at some point can sell SOMETHING, ANYTHING to SOMEONE.  Kind of disappointing.  I remember a few years back David had a holiday show featuring reproduction vintage items.  That was wonderful!  It would be nice to have something like that again ~ not hair bows and cheap jewelry.  :-( 




I remember those vintage Christmas shows with David a few years back. My guess is that they didn't go over very well, or they would have been back.


I personally loved them, and thought there were so many things they could have done to continue it for many more years, even going back farther in time than they did. They focused on things from the 50's and 60's , but I think there would be a market for things going back much farther.


I have requested they bring those shows back, as even just one or two of them per holiday season would be a welcome change from the same old things. 


Maybe they will hear us!


@Julie928 @Mominohio  I also remember that show and loved it.  I bought the Santa nesting boxes, and use them every Christmas for items for DD, I keep the boxes, lol.  I also bought the large night light bubble lights, wonderful.  I may have bought other items, can't remember just now.

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I totally agree with you and thought the same thing.  I think their buyers don't match the demographic of QVC's actual viewing and buying audience.    QVC keeps hoping to attract a younger demographic but its just not their reality


And I think sometimes they are also of the mindset that "this item sold well this year, let's bring it back, however, let's  make a slight change and call it new" (like the glass trees with ornaments and this year they put grooves in a few of the ornaments)--so now its a "new" item....but really just more of the same...they keep bringing items of the same style year after year, ......but come on, sometimes you need to move example #1---The Flashpad--just a QVC joke!.....someone said the reason why they keep selling it, people get addicted to playing it, the game stops so they buy another----PLEASE STOP IT!!! LOL!!!!

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Keep in mind that the buyer is not the creator of items that are sold.  If the items aren't out there, the buyers can't magically make them appear.  I buy most of my decor from QVC, because everything in the stores or other online resources is either a cheap version of what's sold on QVC or I've seen it a thousand times before.  I have a feeling that we'd see more diversity of style in the holiday decor products on QVC if there existed a diversity of style in the marketplace.  If you feel these items do exist out there, then why not go to wherever they are sold online and buy it from that company?  I am constantly searching other websites for items that meet my style interests, yet I always end up almost exclusively purchasing from QVC.