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Registered: ‎07-03-2013

@Buck-i-Nana wrote:

I came to a major decision this season.  I loved the way everything looked this year and have decided this is my "look" from here on out.  Before I put anything away, EVERYTHING that I didn't use this year is going!  My family will have first dibs on everything then what's left is being donated.


I store my Christmas decor in a spare room I've turned into a storage room (I've talked about this before).  So, everything Christmas that is still in that room will be moved out to the garage tomorrow.  The family will have until Sunday night to come over and look through everything.  Last family member to come over will get to help me load it all in my car so that Monday morning it will go to Goodwill.


I had visions of doing something like this.  I was going to put it on the kitchen table and let my friends pick through it.  I guess there's always next year.  Or maybe I need to do Christmas in July.

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Registered: ‎12-13-2010

@Mominohio wrote:

@Buck-i-Nana wrote:

I came to a major decision this season.  I loved the way everything looked this year and have decided this is my "look" from here on out.  Before I put anything away, EVERYTHING that I didn't use this year is going!  My family will have first dibs on everything then what's left is being donated.


I store my Christmas decor in a spare room I've turned into a storage room (I've talked about this before).  So, everything Christmas that is still in that room will be moved out to the garage tomorrow.  The family will have until Sunday night to come over and look through everything.  Last family member to come over will get to help me load it all in my car so that Monday morning it will go to Goodwill.




Big round of applause for you!


I was considering much the same that you posted. I have spent a lot of time the last two years getting the decor just right in my home, and I think Iike things just as they are this year. I was considering doing just what you have described EXCEPT, I have a son that is only 19 and isn't ready to take his things that I have saved for him, so I will be having to hang on to at least a couple of tubs of things that are from his childhood (much of it expensive gifts of holiday items from me and his grandma) until he is at a place in his life to use them, but I should be loading up a lot of things to go as well. 


We all let go of our 'things' when the time is right for each of us, and I'm getting there!! Glad you made a big move this year. Enjoy the freedom it will bring!

@Mominohio@Buck-i-Nana@GCR18   You guys really inspired me to thin out my Christmas decor even deeper than I thought I could.  We took a PU load to a Rescue Mission this afternoon. Very nice and well cared for stuff that I just haven't used in a couple years and even a lot that I used last year.  I have been donating this year and told myself that I was finished but read your posts and went back through the storage room and  parted with a lot more.  Thanks!!!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

When we built our house here in Florida we have very high ceilings (as most Fl. home do) so we had them install a second set of shelving 18" above the other shelf in every bedroom closet. It has given me an extraordinary amount of storage! So last year DH decided that instead of putting the Christmas decorations up in the attic and having to deal with them on a ladder he was going to store them in the bedroom closets. We each have a walk in closet so he divided it up and put half in each of our closets. It was so much simpler this year to get everything out and then to pack it all back away. No ladder , just a step stool needed. No grumbling husband.  We're so glad we chose to store them this way.