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New Year’s Eve And New Year’s Day Menu Plans?


Please share your menu plan and recipes please.


 Thank you 

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Re: New Year’s Eve And New Year’s Day Menu Plans?

Take out from one of our favorites restauarts--crab cakes and lobster tail.



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Re: New Year’s Eve And New Year’s Day Menu Plans?

My DH making our usual lobster tails and steak. 

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Re: New Year’s Eve And New Year’s Day Menu Plans?

@Reconnaissant. New Year's Eve...probably takeout from a local restaurant that delivers.  Most likely chicken parmigiana with pasta. 


New Year's Day is always pork and sauerkraut with mashed potatoes and sweet potato pie.  I'll most likely skip the sweet potato pie this year;  only 2 of us for dinner. 

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Re: New Year’s Eve And New Year’s Day Menu Plans?

New Years Eve:  Bobby Chez crab cakes, stuffed shrimp, potato salad & cold slaw.

Sorry, Bobby does not reveal his recipes. Smiley LOL


New Years Day:  Hoppin Johns, collards, oxtails & fried chicken.  The rest of BC potato salad.  Paramour is bringing over cooked chitlins (I'm not stinking up my complex).

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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Re: New Year’s Eve And New Year’s Day Menu Plans?

New Years Day is


Herb Roasted Pork Loin Roast (health)

Kahlua Candied Yams

Black eyed Peas   (coins made in the new year)

Collards cooked with a ham bone (dollars made in the new year)



Chocolate pie

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Re: New Year’s Eve And New Year’s Day Menu Plans?


Up late dancing and drinking champagne !

Actually I'll probably be in bed and maybe awake to see the ball drop at Time's Square. 

No real plans for any special dinner. Maybe go out to eat. 

Wishing everyone here a healthy and prosperous 2021. 

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Re: New Year’s Eve And New Year’s Day Menu Plans?

No special plans.  I'll be lucky if I stay awake until midnight. 


There's a family custom/tradition that we have picked herring on New Year's Eve.  I have no clue as to the origin - but I do like pickled herring - so I"ll get some at the deli this week.


New Years Day is a Holy Day of Obligation - so I'll be at 12:10 pm Mass and probably pick up something in the supermarket on the way home.





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Registered: ‎06-19-2010

Re: New Year’s Eve And New Year’s Day Menu Plans?

Pick up mexican food from a new restaurant (new meaning chain restaurant finally opening on our side of town) that opened last week. Sit on the balcony with the fire pit going with some drinks, play scrabble, go to bed.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: New Year’s Eve And New Year’s Day Menu Plans?

new years eve i have no plans at all and i LOVE it that special dinner, but i will have a cocktail or two, stay in PJs all day, and watch some of the holiday movies that i have on my DVR.


new years day we are doing a thanksgiving dinner all over again......turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes with gravy, saffron glazed carrots, green bean casserole (recently rediscovered this and forgot how much i enjoy it), cranberry relish, croissants or biscuits, caesar or green salad

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