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Re: My UPS guy backed his truck up into my driveway LOL!!!

@Mominohio I often feel the same way regarding my husband and my purchases. I don't want that look. A long time ago the subject of shopping came up and my husband asked me aren't you ever satisfied with what you have it seems you always want more. I said its not that I'm a woman I always want more because there will always be new stuff I'm going to like! I think he gets it now or just deals with it lol.

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Re: My UPS guy backed his truck up into my driveway LOL!!!

I don't want to get  too off topic but I'm wondering if any of you hide your purchases from someone in your house not because of a surprise but because of someone being judgy or upset lol.

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Re: My UPS guy backed his truck up into my driveway LOL!!!

@lucymo wrote:

@Mominohio wrote:

I came home to a pile of packages on the front porch yesterday. 


Let's just say I was glad my husband had already left for work.


@Mominohio  I wish I could get my packages when DH isn't home.  But our UPS comes by around dinner time so he's always here then.  In fact he will go help bring them in and give me that look, you know the one.  Smiley Happy


Did you have time to put it all away before DH came home?  Are you happy with your purchases?  I won't get any of mine until Friday, good old Sure Post. 




I didn't get to open much of what came, because I had to run my mom around in the afternoon, then I canned green beans until midnight last night. This morning, getting some food made ahead as it will be in the mid 90's here the rest of the week (and we have no central air!!!).


Taking a minute to sit down right now, then it is dishes and back out the door to run my mom to Amish country to pick up a lantern she ordered last time we were there (no rest for the wicked!)


I had ordered those Valerie sentiment candles and unpacked those and set them up last night. The are much nicer than a lot of the reviews posted, but you can't tell what color they are in the dark, when lit. Still for about $4 each (with the shipping and tax included) they will make the perfect gifts for my cousins and a couple of friends. 


I also opened the newest Mirage candles in the honey color and I like them just as much as all the other colors I've gotten from them.


The rest of my stuff will have to wait till tonight (hidden away for now!)


And since my husband works at UPS, I'm pretty sure when he gets back in from his route in the evening, my UPS delivery driver rats me out to my husband anyway! LOL

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Re: My UPS guy backed his truck up into my driveway LOL!!!

@Winter Holiday wrote:

@Mominohio I often feel the same way regarding my husband and my purchases. I don't want that look. A long time ago the subject of shopping came up and my husband asked me aren't you ever satisfied with what you have it seems you always want more. I said its not that I'm a woman I always want more because there will always be new stuff I'm going to like! I think he gets it now or just deals with it lol.


@Winter Holiday


Let's just suffice it to say that my husband appreciates my purchases much more once they are in use and he sees the results, than he is with a stack of new boxes on the front porch.


It's all in the presentation!

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Re: My UPS guy backed his truck up into my driveway LOL!!!

@Buck-i-Nana wrote:

@bonnielu - I'm much the same way.  I buy my pet supplies & meds, pool supplies (and toys), skin care, book and who knows what else on-line so my UPS guy is a regular visitor.  My dogs seem to be able to hear the UPS truck about a block away and start the barking.  I have a nosy neighbor across the street who I think monitors my deliveries, he used to saunter over to witness the drop off, lol, and actually ask me what I was buying!


@Buck-i-Nana  I can see that scenario in my mind as well as if you had posted a video.  lol  That's why I always look around to see who's watching.  Don't people have a life of their own?  I don't care what they buy, I'm too busy keeping up with my own life and enjoying it.

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Registered: ‎12-13-2010

Re: My UPS guy backed his truck up into my driveway LOL!!!

@Mominohio wrote:

@lucymo wrote:

@Mominohio wrote:

I came home to a pile of packages on the front porch yesterday. 


Let's just say I was glad my husband had already left for work.


@Mominohio  I wish I could get my packages when DH isn't home.  But our UPS comes by around dinner time so he's always here then.  In fact he will go help bring them in and give me that look, you know the one.  Smiley Happy


Did you have time to put it all away before DH came home?  Are you happy with your purchases?  I won't get any of mine until Friday, good old Sure Post. 




I didn't get to open much of what came, because I had to run my mom around in the afternoon, then I canned green beans until midnight last night. This morning, getting some food made ahead as it will be in the mid 90's here the rest of the week (and we have no central air!!!).


Taking a minute to sit down right now, then it is dishes and back out the door to run my mom to Amish country to pick up a lantern she ordered last time we were there (no rest for the wicked!)


I had ordered those Valerie sentiment candles and unpacked those and set them up last night. The are much nicer than a lot of the reviews posted, but you can't tell what color they are in the dark, when lit. Still for about $4 each (with the shipping and tax included) they will make the perfect gifts for my cousins and a couple of friends. 


I also opened the newest Mirage candles in the honey color and I like them just as much as all the other colors I've gotten from them.


The rest of my stuff will have to wait till tonight (hidden away for now!)


And since my husband works at UPS, I'm pretty sure when he gets back in from his route in the evening, my UPS delivery driver rats me out to my husband anyway! LOL

@Mominohio  Slow down, GF, it's too hot to work that hard.  With no AC it's probably hard to go from the car to the house. 


If your UPS driver rats you out to DH send  his name to all of us buddies here on the forum and we'll get him for you. Smiley Happy  I'm betting he knows better than to do that anyway.  lol 


I'm glad you're happy with your purchases so far. I'm looking at those Honey Mirages, they look wonderful.  A battery leaked in one of my green Mirage candles and it doesn't work anymore as the acid ate through a wire.  I'll replace it if they ever get more of them in. Best buy on the market, IMO.

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Re: My UPS guy backed his truck up into my driveway LOL!!!

Hi everyone.  I think our UPS man, the postman, the  hair dresser, and our usual check out person at the grocery store know me better than my kids do. LOL.

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Re: My UPS guy backed his truck up into my driveway LOL!!!

That's hilarious!!  Got to say, better your driveway than mine.Smiley LOL

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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: My UPS guy backed his truck up into my driveway LOL!!!

[ Edited ]

@Winter Holiday Oh heck yeah. That's why I have a P.O. box.

Originally joined board 12-14-2004
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Re: My UPS guy backed his truck up into my driveway LOL!!!

@Mominohio wrote:

@Winter Holiday wrote:

@Mominohio I often feel the same way regarding my husband and my purchases. I don't want that look. A long time ago the subject of shopping came up and my husband asked me aren't you ever satisfied with what you have it seems you always want more. I said its not that I'm a woman I always want more because there will always be new stuff I'm going to like! I think he gets it now or just deals with it lol.


@Winter Holiday


Let's just suffice it to say that my husband appreciates my purchases much more once they are in use and he sees the results, than he is with a stack of new boxes on the front porch.


It's all in the presentation!

My late hubby and I were such peas in a pod.  He would have been picking items out with me!


When we used to go shopping together we would separate in the store (like Kirklands) and make our tour and grab things to show each other.  9 times out of 10 we had the same items in our bags.  The man had great taste Woman LOL