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Registered: ‎02-20-2016

Re: More laser lights coming

I have a Star Shower projector that I purchased at BBB last year, and I've only used it for parties.  I plug it in on my second floor and hang it out the window so it projects onto the enormous tree that hangs over my back patio.  It looks beautiful on the leaves of the tree and has a stunning effect when the wind blows through it.  I would never use it on my house as I know it would probably get stolen by neighborhood kids, and I don't think it looks very attractive on houses.  On trees, the woods, swimming pools and nightlcubs, yes, but I think shining it on houses is a fad that will fade and will eventually be made fun of on one of those VH1-type "I love the 80's" shows where comedians sit around and make fun of the trends throughout the decades.  

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: More laser lights coming

@RazorSharp wrote:

I have a Star Shower projector that I purchased at BBB last year, and I've only used it for parties.  I plug it in on my second floor and hang it out the window so it projects onto the enormous tree that hangs over my back patio.  It looks beautiful on the leaves of the tree and has a stunning effect when the wind blows through it.  I would never use it on my house as I know it would probably get stolen by neighborhood kids, and I don't think it looks very attractive on houses.  On trees, the woods, swimming pools and nightlcubs, yes, but I think shining it on houses is a fad that will fade and will eventually be made fun of on one of those VH1-type "I love the 80's" shows where comedians sit around and make fun of the trends throughout the decades.  


@RazorSharp  I agree re shining it on the landscape rather than the house.  If you can believe this, I bought the green years ago when it was first presented, and due to the remodeling project that soon followed, to this day I still have not even opened it, but I plan to soon.

Super Contributor
Posts: 364
Registered: ‎05-14-2016

Re: More laser lights coming

I have used the Bliss lights for the past two years and for me it was about ease of decorating.  I received many compliments - especially the first year when they were more of a novelty.  I use the red and green and then put out some of the Lori Grenier trees and it is simple, but looks really nice.  I did buy one of the Star Shower units last year for my Mom's house and it worked fine - it was around $40 and seems very similar to these TSV units.  I agree, you have to be courteous to your neighbors and place them carefully.  It's amazing how much they have come down in price!  Hopefully they won't be such a target for thieves now that they aren't as pricey.