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@151949 wrote:

There are a lot of holidays between now & christmas.

Please feel free to start your own thread about them and maybe people will join in and discuss with you.

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After a long, tough day at work , I came home and decided to have a look at the Holiday threads- it made my night!! So excited for CIJ!  Blocking out next Saturday night and all day Sunday!  Can’t wait!

@IdahoMom wrote:

You guys!!! I have found my people! Fellow Christmas lovers, and even more fellow QVC Chrismas lovers! I can't wait to start connecting with you all and talking our favorite subject, Chrismas!!!!!


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Registered: ‎04-19-2010

Hello everyone and welcome to the new posters. I don’t post much in this forum but I enjoy reading it. The enthusiasm is real, and I look forward to the discussions that center on sharing ideas and learning about all the different ways we honor the holidays. 

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Posts: 118
Registered: ‎06-22-2018

Me too!!! I even pull up videos on you tube of past Christmas shows through out the year when I feel like a need a QVC Christmas boost!!

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To our new friends here, here's some helpful advice - when you hit reply, if you hit "QUOTE" above the upper right hand corner of the text box, the text of the message to which you are replying will be entered into the box, then if you type @ you will see a series of contributor names, the top one being the person to whom you are directly replying.  This will notify that person that you have addressed them in your message.  I hope this helps!

Posts: 28
Registered: ‎11-20-2013

Oh my!!! I fit right into this group! Christmas is MY time of year! I'm so bad that my brothers have tried to convince my niece and nephews that I'm one of Santa's elves. Smiley LOL Of course, the facts that I'm obsessed with Christmas and am only 5 ft tall don't help!


@IdahoMom I'm glad I'm not the only person that looks up old videos of QVC CIJs of the past when I'm missing it. I do that occasionally. I have a 20 minute drive to work in the mornings and sometimes I'll just listen to them on my way.. Sometimes I can actually remember the item they are talking about! It's something different that the same songs they play on the radio all the time.


Also, I just turned 31 this past Saturday so I fall into that 30-40 category. I've been watching QVC since 2009 and have been hooked ever since! I wait anxiously every year for CIJ and even though I tell myself that I don't need anything else I usually end up buying a few things. You just can't resist some of this stuff!!


I'm going to try to be involved with the discussions this year, but we'll see how it goes. Hopefully I have plenty of time to spend joining in!

Frequent Contributor
Posts: 118
Registered: ‎06-22-2018

@nursemegLPN wrote:

Oh my!!! I fit right into this group! Christmas is MY time of year! I'm so bad that my brothers have tried to convince my niece and nephews that I'm one of Santa's elves. Smiley LOL Of course, the facts that I'm obsessed with Christmas and am only 5 ft tall don't help!


@IdahoMom I'm glad I'm not the only person that looks up old videos of QVC CIJs of the past when I'm missing it. I do that occasionally. I have a 20 minute drive to work in the mornings and sometimes I'll just listen to them on my way.. Sometimes I can actually remember the item they are talking about! It's something different that the same songs they play on the radio all the time.


Also, I just turned 31 this past Saturday so I fall into that 30-40 category. I've been watching QVC since 2009 and have been hooked ever since! I wait anxiously every year for CIJ and even though I tell myself that I don't need anything else I usually end up buying a few things. You just can't resist some of this stuff!!


I'm going to try to be involved with the discussions this year, but we'll see how it goes. Hopefully I have plenty of time to spend joining in!


I listen to them at work sometimes! My husband thinks I'm an absolute nut!

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Registered: ‎03-20-2010

Re: I have found my people!

[ Edited ]



Welcome to all the new folks! 


I LOVE Christmas and although I dont need one darn thing I just enjoying watching all the Christmas decor shows.....And  @IdahoMom I also watch other YouTube Christmas Decorating Shows too ....


Image result for cat climbing christmas tree










Animals are reliable, full of love, true in their affections, grateful. Difficult standards for people to live up to.”
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Re: I have found my people!

[ Edited ]

@nougat wrote:

@PA Mom-mom


are you from PA?  Where? I am in PA too! 

Fall is my favorite season but winter is next fav. No one I know even likes winter!!

everyone hates it and hates snow!  I love SNOW and WINTER!  Why is it always described as the BAD weather and summer the GOOD weather??


its the other way around for me!  Bring on the SNOOOOWWWWW!!!!



Anyone that doesnt like winter and snow can send it my way.....we dont see much of it in Texas, BUT it actually snowed last year.....It was BEAUTIFUL!!! and all the adults acted like kids building snowmen and having snowball fights etc....  Woman Very Happy  Of course the next day in the afternoon it all melted....Woman Sad





I dont like summer either! 

Animals are reliable, full of love, true in their affections, grateful. Difficult standards for people to live up to.”
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glad you got to experience SNOW!!!  theres nothing more beautiful than seeing the whole earth covered in white!  peaceful, clean, pure, angelic white stuff!  just love! and the fresh crisp exhilarating air too!