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Holidays With Jill Bauer - 7/17

Jill's show tonight has some really great items including beautiful new scroll angels, picks, ornaments, etc., all at great prices.  It might be Jill, not Valerie, who makes me smoke my credit card this CIJ. The show airs 7:00PM Eastern time.

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Re: Holidays With Jill Bauer - 7/17

@RazorSharp wrote:

Jill's show tonight has some really great items including beautiful new scroll angels, picks, ornaments, etc., all at great prices.  It might be Jill, not Valerie, who makes me smoke my credit card this CIJ. The show airs 7:00PM Eastern time.


@RazorSharp  Where do you see the items Jill has to offer?

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Re: Holidays With Jill Bauer - 7/17

@mousiegirl Click on the photo of Jill on the homepage that is the advertisement for her show.

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Re: Holidays With Jill Bauer - 7/17

@RazorSharp wrote:

@mousiegirl Click on the photo of Jill on the homepage that is the advertisement for her show.

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Re: Holidays With Jill Bauer - 7/17

Hope there is a one time only when the Luminara sell out!! 

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Re: Holidays With Jill Bauer - 7/17

Anyone watching 'Holidays with Jill Bauer' and Luminara?  I wonder if she will sell a tree too.

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Re: Holidays With Jill Bauer - 7/17

Jill Bauer, Jill Bauer, Jill Bauer, Jill Bauer.  We should be playing a drinking game in which we take a sip every time Jill Bauer says Jill Bauer. We'd all be blotto by now.

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Re: Holidays With Jill Bauer - 7/17

@RazorSharp wrote:

Jill Bauer, Jill Bauer, Jill Bauer, Jill Bauer.  We should be playing a drinking game in which we take a sip every time Jill Bauer says Jill Bauer. We'd all be blotto by now.

That is too funny lol. Very true though!

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Re: Holidays With Jill Bauer - 7/17

@lucymo wrote:

Anyone watching 'Holidays with Jill Bauer' and Luminara?  I wonder if she will sell a tree too.

@lucymo  HI! Yes I'm watching....I noticed her displays show candles of 3 heights---why didn't they have  a TSV like that with NO REMOTES!!!  Might have been more affordable and more usuable I don't need 4 of the same size.....but for the me the colors didn't work anyway....(I have enough ivory....and red for Christmas)....I can't believe Luminara sold that many---and if you get more than one that's another $5 for shipping on each order!!!


Nothing has caught my eye except Joan River's ornaments---but I didn't buy---I have a set of hers that i bought a long time ago---they are beautiful and I use them on my tree each year!



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Re: Holidays With Jill Bauer - 7/17


@RazorSharp wrote:

Jill Bauer, Jill Bauer, Jill Bauer, Jill Bauer.  We should be playing a drinking game in which we take a sip every time Jill Bauer says Jill Bauer. We'd all be blotto by now.

OMG, I was just going to comment the same thing on another thread. I like a lot of what she presents, but she seems to be more interested in giving herself credit for everything than anything else. I just mute it.