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Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: H208355 48' Nutcracker..when are they going to send it!?!?

@ILUVChristmas wrote:

Got him today. The drum was a little challenge to get on . Had pry open the hook a little wider to hang the drum BTW the screws used to screw top to bottom are located under the torso ( i was looking everywhere in the packaging thinking they did not get packed with the nutcracker). Kind of a challenge to get out of the box....but worth it as he so nice. Kind of choosey about nutcrackers because some look so scary. But he is great. I love him! Lights look great too.

Iluv now when you say screws to connect top to bottom are you speaking about the drum or the top of nutcracker to the bottom of the nutcracker?  Mine hadn't come yet and I remember jill saying the only assembly was the drum so I am curious?  Thanks

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Registered: ‎12-01-2010

Re: H208355 48' Nutcracker..when are they going to send it!?!?

[ Edited ]

 @Kitty GaloreThe top half of the nutcracker to the bottom half of the nutcracker.  The  screws have a round "handle" if you will,  to grasp and twist the screws out or in. You'll see when you get yours.


The drum is altogether.  But there is a wire on the drum that connects to the wire just under the nutcracker jacket/torso, that is how the drum lights up. Nope there is more to assembling him than just the drum hanging. But it is worth it I think.   

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 7,880
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: H208355 48' Nutcracker..when are they going to send it!?!?

@ILUVChristmas wrote:

 @Kitty GaloreThe top half of the nutcracker to the bottom half of the nutcracker.  The  screws have a round "handle" if you will,  to grasp and twist the screws out or in. You'll see when you get yours.


The drum is altogether.  But there is a wire on the drum that connects to the wire just under the nutcracker jacket/torso, that is how the drum lights up. Nope there is more to assembling him than just the drum hanging. But it is worth it I think.   

Thank you so much for the info.  I thought jill said only the drum had to be put on.   I am sure it is worth it once do e though.  I am really looking forwArd to receiving him!  Enjoy yours !!