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Re: Do You Hang "Holiday Pictures" At Christmas?

I love the holiday canvas wall art, don't own any yet Woman Happy

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Re: Do You Hang "Holiday Pictures" At Christmas?

I wrap my existing wall pictures in colourful wrapping paper with ribbon and bow. 

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Re: Do You Hang "Holiday Pictures" At Christmas?

Yes. My favorite is by Greg Olsen which is called The Spirit of Christmas. Then I have a couple of pieces of my mother-in-law has cross stitched. I love hanging christmas art.  

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Re: Do You Hang "Holiday Pictures" At Christmas?

@ECBG   I will!  I think she has it packed but those boxes will be heading over to my house shortly, so if I see it, I will definitely post it.   

......You look like I need a drink.....
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Re: Do You Hang "Holiday Pictures" At Christmas?

@cjm61 wrote:

@ECBG I take every single wall hanging off the wall and put up a Christmas picture or decoration of some sort. 

@cjm61  I have a general idea where you live. Did you ever visit Canterbury Gardens before they went out of business? We went up there every year and always left with some beautiful things.

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Re: Do You Hang "Holiday Pictures" At Christmas?

@LuvSoCal No, I never got the chance to visit there. I am sure I would have loved it though. 

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Re: Do You Hang "Holiday Pictures" At Christmas?

No, no holiday pictures at my house.


I hate to decorate for holidays,  I do it, the minimal easy way.


I do have holiday throw pillows.  I just change out the pillows for the month of December.  Hardly no work at all.


I have fall harvest ones too.

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Re: Do You Hang "Holiday Pictures" At Christmas?

We don't hang holiday pictures. Never even occurred to me to do that. I would love to see some photos of Christmas art if anyone wants to post what they hang.