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David's recipe ornaments

[ Edited ]

Pass for me. H428320

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Re: David's recipe ornaments

@Group 5 minus 1   They would be a pass for me, too, but I think a huge percentage of so many things people do buy everywhere I go are a pass for me.  I can't begin to judge any longer what makes sense for anyone to buy just because I know I'm not buying. 


I know I'm in a group of shoppers who represent a very small portion of potential buyers - that's seems to be true everywhere I shop.  As I moved through yesterday, I shopped a hardware store, a local clothing store, and a supermarket.  I came home with purchases from all three, but in each as I checked out, I could see how minor my purchases were compared to others.

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Re: David's recipe ornaments

I don’t get the host designed items. Whether it’s David or the clothing lines. I don’t see it as a big win for QVC.

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Re: David's recipe ornaments

The fact that you need or want for less is a good thingHeart

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Re: David's recipe ornaments

I don't care for the recipes in 'Trees', which is the only one left apparently.

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Re: David's recipe ornaments

@manny2 wrote:

I don’t get the host designed items. Whether it’s David or the clothing lines. I don’t see it as a big win for QVC.

I could see where at some point, it made sense. A host with an actual POV, who works closer with the design team than other hosts, synergy insofar as taste goes. Then, lots of projects together...BOOM.... a collab is born. For many retailers (Tarjay, H&M) collabs made them relevant again. Q must feel that hosts have a fan base that admires their "style" and will purchase what they "designed."


Now, the actual execution was bollocks. Or at least that's my impression from the forum users.


So, did QVC mess up the host collaborations, probably, yes.

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Re: David's recipe ornaments

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: David's recipe ornaments

Just had a thought. When new hosts sign up,I wonder if their contract states they have the chance to develop a line of product w/their name. I don't think this was when DV signed up,but he may have recently negotiated due his popularity.

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Re: David's recipe ornaments

Not interested in any product of DV...

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Re: David's recipe ornaments

I would guess David doesn't receive any profit from any of the items that are sold based on the design he and Tara worked on together; he basically just gave her an idea from an old Christmas china pattern and then collaborated with her to adjust the details to the point where he agreed to have his name attached. If the items sell during his shows, it's probable that he'll get a commission if his contract is structured to include that—just as that would apply to any other items sold—and it is also probable that more people purchase items that he likes when he is hosting because he has a large fan base.