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Trying to find out when the Oranment trees with timers by Vallerie will be available, they were offered with a seperate wreath that also lit up witha timer. I am trying to find the trees.

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I think they were on over the weekend and sold out. Not a 100% right but I think so on Sunday night.

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Yes, they were on over the weekend (Valerie's Sunday night show) and they sold out even before the presentation.  Best to just keep watching to see if anyone cancels their order.  

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@MTH wrote:

Yes, they were on over the weekend (Valerie's Sunday night show) and they sold out even before the presentation.  Best to just keep watching to see if anyone cancels their order.  



@MTH  I got one of the ornament trees in Metallic(silver/gold) in 'as is'.  Of course I had to stalk for awhile to catch the color I wanted.  I also grabbed a set of the Ornament Cone trees, H210265, in gold.  I saw the set in red/green several times but I wanted gold as I don't use red/green in my decor so today I lucked out and got them.  I'm getting too much stuff and I have to stop looking.  Valerie will a show next week again too.  Woman Frustrated

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I'm so proud of myself this year. I've sat on my hands and not ordered anything (so far).  I love CIJ and still enjoy watching the shows, but I promised myself "no more" after it took two to three days last year to pack everything up after Christmas.

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea-Robert A. Heinlein
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It does look like the trees are sold out however, as I type this it looks like a couple of the gold & silver wreaths are available.  I'm trying to decide if I want to pick one up for our front door...  :-)

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@pattypeep two to three days isn't SO bad to pack everything up. i'm jealous lol It takes me a month to pack everything up and I only decorate the inside of my place with every room having some form of decor and two of my trees only having all glass ornaments that have to be individually boxed.

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@pattypeep wrote:

I'm so proud of myself this year. I've sat on my hands and not ordered anything (so far).  I love CIJ and still enjoy watching the shows, but I promised myself "no more" after it took two to three days last year to pack everything up after Christmas.

@pattypeep - I hear ya about packing everything up!  For me, it's not that I have so much stuff that it takes days to pack it up, but more that I just don't want to have to do it!  One, I enjoy the decor so much, then too I guess I drag my feet because I don't want to do it.  That's why I've moved more toward non-seasonal basics that are made seasonal by the addition of seasonal ribbon, greens, flowers etc.


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@pattypeep wrote:

I'm so proud of myself this year. I've sat on my hands and not ordered anything (so far).  I love CIJ and still enjoy watching the shows, but I promised myself "no more" after it took two to three days last year to pack everything up after Christmas.


I've said I'm done with the multiple days of decorating and undecorating.


I tried a new storage idea this year, and dumped a lot of the boxes that my holiday was stored in, and opted to store the things I use in each room for holiday decorating, right there in that room. Using antique trunks and VPH (and other brands) of ottomans that were residing in those rooms anyway, now most everything that goes in a room is already in that room with little running up and down stairs to get it out or put away. Simply take it out of the trunk/ottoman, put the regular decor back in to store temporarily, and place the holiday items around the room.


Sounds simple and easy, but we'll see this year (first time trying it) just how it works. Pack up in January was pretty simple, so we'll see how it works on the other end after Thanksgiving, getting it all back out.


If this doesn't make things much faster and easier, I'm going to be ruthless and purge even more things than I've already done, and just live with it. I've made small purges several times (of my holiday items) the last couple of years. I need one more big one to really get things under control, but waiting to see how this new system pans out. 


I love my Christmas decor and have always had fun doing it, but it is getting out of hand. One of the first things I need to do this year is commit to getting a smaller tree. I like to do two trees because I have so many ornaments, but the tree for the living room is just too big. I want to downsize to two five foot trees, one in the living room and one in the family room. What doesn't fit on those will have to be weeded down.


I know I can let go of other types of things when they become overwhelming and I have too much, but the holiday decor is harder to get control over. I think because so much of the older things are sentimental (handed down items and things that were either gifts from special people or used for so many years they are 'tradition'), and they get packed up and 'forgotten' about the rest of the year, they are kind of "out of sight out of mind" and don't get purged as the rest of the house does. 


At any rate, I don't have the desire to spend days on end decorating, and then days packing up again six weeks later. I honestly think I'm the only one who gives a hoot about it at this stage of the game anyway. Kid is 20 and involved in so many other things, I don't think he even notices, and my husband was raised without all the trappings of the holiday, and doesn't care one way or the other about it all. My mom comes to my house and enjoys my work and I do, to a point as well, but that is about it. Many of the relatives I used to have over for various holidays are now gone, so I need to just start doing what works for me. And that is looking like 'less is more' the longer time goes on!


Add to it that it now seems that Christmas rolls around about every three months instead of yearly, and it seems like it is never 'over and done with' for any length of time. As a young adult, it seemed like it was forever between one holiday season and the next one. But the last five years or so, it seems like I just pack up Christmas and it's time to unpack it all over again!


That speeding by of time is telling me I'm getting old!

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@Mominohio  This is so true!


"Add to it that it now seems that Christmas rolls around about every three months instead of yearly, and it seems like it is never 'over and done with' for any length of time. As a young adult, it seemed like it was forever between one holiday season and the next one. But the last five years or so, it seems like I just pack up Christmas and it's time to unpack it all over again!"