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Enjoy sending greeting cards to friends and family throughout the year. It's good manners and let's them know how much I care. 


So . . . yes, I'm definately sending Christmas cards via USPS. Probably about 35-40, which is about the same amount from the last few years. I keep in contact with everyone on my list throughout the year, yet the holidays seem like a special time to wish them well (individually with pen and paper) and end the year with a happy note of care and friendship.


My life would not be so fulfilling without so many fascinating and kind, caring people in it. I'm grateful for the company I keep and their wonderful intellect, humor, and artistic endeavors which are shared with all. Truly a unique group for many decades! We've been through so much together in life's up and downs.   

Money screams; wealth whispers.
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@KathyM23 wrote:

I mail 10 cards now and I for those I gift, I put a Christmas card with their gift be it money, gift card or actual gift.  For my grands who want money I put the money  in the card and put the card in a gift bag so it at least looks like a gift.  I do not like giving money but that is what they want.  I definitely never wanted anyone to give me money, I always wanted a gift.


I receive about the same amount of cards as I send.  Things sure have changed.  I remember getting so many cards at Christmas, Mom would tape them around the archs in the living room and dining room.  I remember when it only cost 3 cents if it was a Christmas Card and 2 cents if you did not seal the envelope.


I started out sending about 40 or so cards and now I am down to 10.

I'll be happy to send you my address lol!


My mom always taped the Christmas cards to the arches in our house too, then at night we could hear them dropping to the floor.

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@Group 5 minus 1   This year I have decided not to send my usual photo cards. I only receive less than five in return, and because I've had a lot of health problems and expenses this year, I'm scrapping it. 


I have a few religious cards (sent from various charities) that i may send if I feel like it.

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I send out cards to my immediate family which has very few members even though I see them on Christmas day.  I also send cards to extended family who I don't see during the holidays as well as close friends.  I used to send a photo card of my children but now they are adults so last year I sent out cards where I hand wrote a little update on my family.  This year we have a new member of the family- oldest DD's dog, Tilly.  I plan to send cards this year with her photo as well as a photo of our cat. 

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@Group 5 minus 1 I LOVE to send Christmas cards!  I spend months trying to find the perfect cards. These days I send out about 60 or 70 cards, including my husband's office co-workers. The most I ever sent out was about 140, but that number has been going down for the last 15 years or so.


I also love to receive Christmas cards. I go over them each day as they come in, and I hang them up on the archway between the dining room and living room. We always did that when I was growing up. We don't get as many as we send out. Oh, well.

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@Krimpette wrote:

I make my own Christmas cards and send out about 30. No two are alike.

@Krimpette I'm so envious. I've always wanted to make my own cards, but I don't even know where to begin. How do you make them?

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@PA Mom-mom  I started out doing scrapbooking, but then I started doing cards instead.  I usually buy kits from my favorite designer....Anna Griffin.  (When you have a minute, you might go to her website to see her gorgeous works).  Anyway, she is also a presenter on HSN, so I buy all of my Anna Griffin supplies from HSN.  They offer several kits other than hers, which might be a start for you.  (Although you can probably google kits for cardmaking, or even try Amazon.). You can start out by looking for a kit that gives you all the goodies you need to make the cards.  The kits typically have envelopes included in their kits.


(Not sure if I've given you enough info to get you started. I hope so,because I find card-making to be very rewarding.) I also make cards for birthdays and anniversaries for close friends and all my family.  (My sister had 9 kids who are all married with kids of theirs own.  So you can imagine that keeps me busy all year long!). Good luck!

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Probably 18 cards that I'll mail. A few less than last year.

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@Krimpette wrote:

I make my own Christmas cards and send out about 30. No two are alike.

@Krimpette I went through a phase about 15 years ago when I made a lot of my own cards.  It was my "scrapbooking phase and have moved on to another craft but I loved it!  I still have a ton of supplies!

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@Group 5 minus 1 wrote:

Do you send (snail mail) any or just E-Mail?

We send a few,maybe 6 or 7.

I do the same...not many.