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Re: Satchel Santas, Ho-Ho-Hobos and Other Indulgences Y'all... 4Q-2015

@Serendipity wrote:

@NycVixen wrote:

@stevieb @Serendipity 


Hello all!! So, I was not expecting this but Anthropologie sent me a 15% coupon good for 10 days today. So, I may have to bite the bullet and get the brown Pulicati hobo. Plus, there is a rave review on it now on the Anthro. site. Definitely getting it at the store since they charge $13.95 to ship it. The coupon is good online or instore.


I love it, can't stop thinking about it and it will look amazing with my new boots and outerwear purchases. I decided to keep the AK sangria bag and can use it for contrast with everything else as well. 



@NycVixen And you have @handygal2's in-person review. Sounds really nice. Can't wait to hear your review (assuming you do go for it, that is Smiley Wink). Seems like lots of folks replied that their AK bag has kept it's shape, and it doesn't look anything like this boho one. Two very different looks. Smiley Happy


I've never been to Antrhopologie. May have to check it out one of these days. 

You should @Serendipity, it's a very neat store.

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Re: Satchel Santas, Ho-Ho-Hobos and Other Indulgences Y'all... 4Q-2015

@stevieb wrote:

I don't watch Inspired Style but was flashing by channels and saw the oryany purse being featured so watched long enough to see a few minutes of the presentation. At first, I thought this one would be a very appealing bag and hoped they might have it in olive... Well, it is nice looking (no olive), but someone please tell me what they were thinking to put an upside down pocket on the front of the purse in the guise of a faux flap...? Not only would anything in there fall out upon opening the zipper, but using the compartment would make the front of the bag bulge out into a mis-shapen mess... In their effort to come up with new styles, it appears they've completely forgotten about common sense...





@stevieb: I was watching the presentation, and there are many other "misses" about this bag, as well. The shoulder strap is too long. Also, the bag looks large and boxy. It would be cumbersome to carry. This offering doesn't present even the slightest temptation for me.

~~Be careful when you follow the masses. Sometimes the 'm' is silent.~~
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Re: Satchel Santas, Ho-Ho-Hobos and Other Indulgences Y'all... 4Q-2015

@handygal2 wrote:

@stevieb wrote:

I don't watch Inspired Style but was flashing by channels and saw the oryany purse being featured so watched long enough to see a few minutes of the presentation. At first, I thought this one would be a very appealing bag and hoped they might have it in olive... Well, it is nice looking (no olive), but someone please tell me what they were thinking to put an upside down pocket on the front of the purse in the guise of a faux flap...? Not only would anything in there fall out upon opening the zipper, but using the compartment would make the front of the bag bulge out into a mis-shapen mess... In their effort to come up with new styles, it appears they've completely forgotten about common sense...





@stevieb: I was watching the presentation, and there are many other "misses" about this bag, as well. The shoulder strap is too long. Also, the bag looks large and boxy. It would be cumbersome to carry. This offering doesn't present even the slightest temptation for me.

It didn't for me either @handygal2 after seeing the detail, though I did think, at first glance, it looked like a very pretty bag. It's like a complete and total 'what were they thinking' moment...

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Re: Satchel Santas, Ho-Ho-Hobos and Other Indulgences Y'all... 4Q-2015

This one is pretty. Green. Hobo. Woven. Heart



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Re: Satchel Santas, Ho-Ho-Hobos and Other Indulgences Y'all... 4Q-2015

[ Edited ]

@Serendipity wrote:

This one is pretty. Green. Hobo. Woven. Heart



Is this one from Anthropologie @Serendipity?

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: Satchel Santas, Ho-Ho-Hobos and Other Indulgences Y'all... 4Q-2015

[ Edited ]

@stevieb wrote:

@Serendipity wrote:

This one is pretty. Green. Hobo. Woven. Heart



Is this one from Anthropologie @Serendipity?

@stevieb Yes on sale by Tano, although still pricy at 248. But it's so unusual. It looks like there could be some teal highlights in the weave too?

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Re: Satchel Santas, Ho-Ho-Hobos and Other Indulgences Y'all... 4Q-2015

@stevieb Darn. It just sold out. Smiley Sad Can't post anything. @Sister Golden Hair did you grab it? Smiley LOL

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Re: Satchel Santas, Ho-Ho-Hobos and Other Indulgences Y'all... 4Q-2015

@stevieb and all, what do you think of the buckley in that red shade? Almost looks lipstick red doesn't it? 

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Re: Satchel Santas, Ho-Ho-Hobos and Other Indulgences Y'all... 4Q-2015

Hope everyone is having a wonderful evening.


Going to finish watching the football game.


Sweet DreamsHeart


I do like that green bagWoman Wink

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Re: Satchel Santas, Ho-Ho-Hobos and Other Indulgences Y'all... 4Q-2015

@Serendipity wrote:

@Boehm Collector wrote:

@EdithEllenLily wrote:

@stevieb wrote:

Vix @NycVixen, about that article and as for QVC's 'magic number' I suppose I used to be a more than average shopper.


Woman Surprised


If I tallied up my purchases for the entire year soon ending, I'd probably still make the cut, but going forward, I just am not seeing it. My orders for the last several months have been very few and I don't see that changing.


As for their jewelry, it's just so sadly a shadow of what the offerings used to be. I'm not just speaking here in terms of gold items, which have risen in cost, but just the whole move toward an almost exclusive focus on fashion jewelry at the expense of the nice stuff. I also miss more of a variety of gemstones.


Pretty clearly, my shopping needs are not going to be met with a strong focus on kitchen items and incessant beauty shows and even if they were, the fact that it's always the same brands and largely the same items is just a non-starter for me...

@stevieb From the article: "its average shopper buys 22 to 25 items a year from QVC"

No kitchen items for me, and very little where does that leave this QVC shopper of many years who often buys that many and more items per month! Woman Surprised Maybe with the focus on the high-margin items I will be saving money. Woman Happy


@EdithEllenLily @stevieb @NycVixen ... I actually went to check my orders for 2015. So far  I  have purchased 23 items.  Fourteen of them were my WEN CC's and Styling cream.  Most of the CC's are on auto delievery.  No kitchen items for me.  

@Boehm Collector BC, looks like you are their shopper target. Smiley Surprised Smiley LOL

Yes, I suppose you are right.  BUT I have cut down drastically on my purchases from the Q.  Used to buy so much more.  For years i did most of my Christmas shopping on the Q.  Last year I didn't purchase any CHristmas gifts.  And if it wasn't for my WEN auto-deliveries .....  there wouldn't be many purchases at all.